Homeschooling During Quarantine

Quarantine has brought many changes to our lives. We are more thoughtful in how we interact publicly. We have become better about making grocery lists and meal plans – and may have even mastered online grocery shopping. And hey, maybe we’ve even learned how to slow down and enjoy more meaningful time with our families. But for many parents, the biggest change comes from our abrupt entrance into the wild and wonderful world of homeschooling.

While a large number of families homeschooled even before the COVID-19 crisis, many of us find that we’ve been tossed in the deep end, so to speak, when it comes to teaching our kids at home. That means that we’re trying to figure out what homeschooling is all about while simultaneously giving ourselves a crash course on common core math. In fact, if you were already a homeschooling family, it’s likely you’ve heard from more than one long-lost friend in desperate need of advice.

If you find yourselves wondering what on earth you’re doing (*author quietly raises hand), then you’ll appreciate today’s video straight from the It’s A Southern Thing comedy team. From trying to make schedules to understanding how to divy up lessons (who’s better at history…who’s better at math…is it either of you??), this hilarious look at parents homeschooling in the midst of quarantine is absolute #truth.

You’ll have to watch it for yourself, but let’s just say that if anything close to the phrase “Mom’s talking to herself in the bathroom? Leave her alone, she’s just having a parent-teacher conference,” has been uttered in your home over the last month, you’re going to appreciate knowing that you’re not alone!

Check out It’s a Southern Thing’s hilarious peek into the world of homeschooling during quarantine and just remember all of the teachers and educators out there – from homeschooling families to classroom heroes. You’re DEFINITELY going to want to get them more than just a Bath & Body Works candle for Christmas next year…

For more funny videos like this one, be sure to visit our entire Share Saturdays series – only on Richmond Mom!