This is a big week. We’ve already given a shout out to our front line healthcare workers in honor of National Nurses Week – but this past week was also Teacher Appreciation Week (May 4-8). And with hordes of new “homeschool” families across the country thanks to mandatory school closures, there’s not a parent alive who doesn’t have a new found appreciation for teachers. I mean, really. But, for all you mothers out there, let’s not forget that tomorrow, Sunday, May 10, is also Mother’s Day, bringing us to the end of a week jam-packed with appreciation for our “everyday heroes.”
Today, we wanted to shine a special spotlight on teachers and mothers, and we couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than with the hilarious mom-duo of Kristin Hensley and Jen Smedley, the creators of the hit YouTube channel #IMomSoHard and now, the New York Times bestselling book, I Book So Hard. These two have been making us laugh at ourselves (and with each other) for years with their comically brilliant insights and observations of mothers and motherhood. This week, their latest installation, I Appreciate Teachers So Hard, not only reminds us of why teachers are our new favorite people, but offers us a chance to commiserate with other mothers and remember that this staying home/working/homeschooling stuff is HARD, y’all.
From trying to maintain schedules to keeping track of the 15,000 scholastic websites and passwords our kids now need (all while attempting to conduct Zoom meetings for work), the #IMomSoHard team gives us the perfect chance to feel undying gratitude for all of you hardworking teachers out there – but also to raise a glass (or two) and offer a huge thank you to the mothers out there who are making it happen day after day.
So, as we look towards Mother’s Day tomorrow and back at Teacher Appreciation Week this past week, we want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. And now, if all of the homework is behind you for the weekend, we encourage all of you mothers (and teachers) out there to grab a cup of tea or pour a glass of wine, give yourself a pat on the back, and most of all, have a good laugh with us!
(And you teachers, especially, be sure to stick around until the end for a personal message from Kristen and Jen!)
For more funny videos like this one, be sure to visit our entire Share Saturdays series – only on Richmond Mom!