We’re super excited to announce our 2013 Dream Baby Shower winner! But, first we’d like to congratulate all the wonderful expectant Richmond Mamas to be that were nominated! We had so much fun celebrating with you at our announcement party last night!
And our Winner is…..Margie Morgan!
This years Dream Baby Shower was brought to you by:
Special thanks to all the wonderful Richmond businesses (listed below) who donated such generous prizes and helped make this such a popular and exciting event.
Richmondmom.com will be donating $5 to nurture for each nominee. Nurture’s mission is to improve the health and well being of childbearing families through fitness, education, social support, and community engagement.
A BIG thank you to Sweet Frog for matching our donation to nurture!
Gifts and Prizes provided by:
Hip to be Round – $200 shopping spree for her baby shower dress!
Tuckaway - An invaluable 4 weeks of infant care, valued at $1,100 – Wow
Hayes & Fisk – a $350 photography session and free portrait to capture a special time in your lives
Mamaborn.com - $200 gift certificate towards a Bradley Method Birth Class
Romp N Roll - A spectacular 3 month membership for a Babies Class, valued at $195
Massage Envy – An unforgettable 1 Hour massage and facial valued at $166;
Clover - A fabulous $100 gift card
By Invitation Only - $100 gift certificate towards your perfect Dream Baby Shower invitations
Fit 4 Mom - 1 month of unlimited Stroller Strides classes
Science Museum of Virginia – $99 Super Nova Membership for loads of learning and fun
College Nannies & Tutors - 4 hours of free Nanny Service
Scents of Serenity - $85 towards a wonderful Facial or Massage
Mackenzie Grace - $75 Monogrammed Tote Bag gift certificate
Five signed copies of Richmond Rocks by our own Kate Hall valued at $65!
Cartwheels and Coffee - 3 month membership for 1 child
Storks and More - 5 day sign rental so you can let the World know
Whimsical Gigi - $50 gift card for some really fun stuff
Aunt McRae’s Postpartum Doula service - 8 hours of postpartum Doula services for the price of 6 hours
Frostings Bakeshop - 2 Dozen Deeelicious Cupcakes!
Stella & Dot - Beautiful travel case valued at $50
Thanks to all the amazing local business donating prizes for this fun contest totaling over $3,000. A special Thank you to Sweet Frog for matching out donation to Nurture!!
A special Thank You to Children’s Hospital of Richmond for Sponsoring this contest!
Here’s how it works:
And the Nominees are:
Jennie Cook Atkinson Click here to vote for any nominee
I am overjoyed to nominate my good friend Jennie Cook Atkinson. She and her husband Brandon tried for 6 years to conceive a baby and this November they will welcome a little girl into their family. I know that the birth of their daughter will be a dream come true. Throughout the years of trying, Jennie always had a positive outlook,even during the most heartbreaking of times. That is just the kind of person she is, a constant ray of sunshine. She will be such a fun-loving and wonderful mom and I can’t wait for our kids to play together. There really is not a more deserving mama to be than Jennie and I am so excited to witness all the grand moments of happiness that are on the horizon for her.
Nicole Barker Click here to vote for any nominee
I’m sure all the mom’s to be on here are super deserving, but none are as awesome as my wife Nicole. I’ve always admired her spirit and attitude when it comes to loving and caring for children as she has been a Kindergarten Teacher for the past 8 years. I hear how incredibly patient and kind she is with her students, including those with special needs, and I’m excited to see her with our own child. I’m sure she will be the best mom ever, even though she has the common “What if I’m a not a great mom?” thoughts. I’m excited to grow our family with her and couldn’t think of someone who deserves this more than someone who has dedicated their life to teaching and loving young children (very often a thankless job).
I Love You Babe!
Melanie Barr Click here to vote for any nominee
Melanie is about to become a mother for the second time. She currently devotes her time to her young son, volunteering at a vet’s office in her “spare time.” She has spent countless hours working on a start-up non-profit focused on fitness, education and support for women and families during pregnancy, childbirth and early parenting. Melanie is a fabulous mom who deserves to celebrate the upcoming birth of her second child. Moms usually get a special baby shower the first time around, but rarely get a baby shower for a second child. It would be so wonderful to award her this treat!
Melanie Barr Click here to vote for any nominee
After becoming a mother two years ago, my wife Melanie has dedicated most of her free time to bettering the birth and parenting world here in Richmond. She is a founding and active board member of Nurture- Richmond’s pregnancy, birth, and early parenting resource center, an Administrator for Natural and Attachment Parents of Richmond, an active member of Baby Wearing International of Central Virginia, and she is involved in several play based groups, as well as mothering support groups.
Melanie has happily devoted her life to being a mother, and along the way she has also devoted much of herself to the lives of other local Richmond mothers by connecting, supporting, educating, and learning with them.
She tends to forget about herself, and now that she is pregnant again, I want to show her some appreciation. Winning this baby shower would reminder her that she, as well as the work she is doing, is important not only to myself and our family, but also to her Richmond family.
Amy Bitz Click here to vote for any nominee
Amy is my daughter and we are so proud of her. She never asks of anything from anyone. She is always very quiet. She worked very hard and recv. her degree as a medical physicist working at a CancerCenter. She helps people everyday. She knows what it is like to sacrifice for other people. She has a sister that is disabled and has always been there for her. This is her first pregnancy and she has a wonderful husband who is very supportive of her. She is due in August and has a difficult exam to take before her delivery. We are very proud of her and her accomplishments. She is going to be a wonderful mother and this would be a wonderful gift for her. We love you very muc, Amy.
Britany Braswell Click here to vote for any nominee
I am nominating Britany for the dream baby shower because she is a young mom pregnant with her second child and I believe she deserves all of the support she can get. She is a stay at home mom and is working on finishing her college degree. She has a big heart and is a wonderful mom. I know that if she could afford to buy her child everything his little heart desired, she would. And that’s why I would love to see her win this dream baby shower.
Kara Brooks Click here to vote for any nominee
The other day I asked Kara “Do you ever stop doing things for other people and do something just for you?” she laughed. The reason she is so deserving of the Dream Baby Shower is because she needs for someone to do for her for her a change. Kara works in the foster care field spending her time recruiting and training families to foster children. It’s not just her job it’s her passion. She spends her free time volunteering at Mercy Mom’s, a nonprofit women’s shelter. She is the busiest person I know, because she offers to help anyone who needs it, be it a neighbor, fellow church member, co-worker or friend. She is a former teaching parent as well as a former foster parent and tries to provide support to any child who’s life she has touched. It’s time for Kara to be pampered as she adds this new life to her world!
Ashley Brumfield Click here to vote for any nominee
Mom is not just a name. It is someone that gives love and of themselves beyond all bounds. It is someone that has the motherly gift of patience and a heart of gold. Great mothers inspire and I am honored to nomiate a great mother of 2 girls and a baby boy on the way that inspires me, Ashley Brumfield for this “Dream Shower”.
Ashley always puts her children first, even if it means she needs to push through exhaustion and cancel fun plans. She radiates love for her children and is a great role model in all that she does.
Ashley is also a loving wife and loyal friend. She is always supportive to those that she loves in her life and is a confident, kind soul with a caring heart.
With child number 3 on the way, Ashley would be a great mom for wonderful shower, that I’m certain she would appreciate beyond words.
Yes, all mom’s are gift, but Ashley is a true motherly “treasure”. Her love is contagious and she is so desserving of this wonderful “dream shower”!
Jennifer Burkhead Click here to vote for any nominee
There is no greater joy ��” or responsibility ��” than being a mother. I cannot even express the love and feeling you have when you feel your little one wiggle inside of you. It is truly amazing each and every time. I now have a better appreciation for all the moms out there for what they sacrifice for their children. To me you really cannot understand the attachment or reasoning behind all you do for your children until you have your own. I have not even had my little boy yet but I already know I would do anything for him, that’s how strong the love and bond is already. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment and vote for me for the Dream Baby Shower 2013 contest. It would be great to be able to spoil myself one last time before all my attention goes to the one who truly deserves/needs it. Thanks for voting!
Carey Campbell Click here to vote for any nominee
My husband left me when we found out that I was pregnant. He has not asked ONCE about the child I am carrying and has not offered any financial support. I am currently raising our 9 year old special needs child in addition to this pregnancy. I have NOTHING left over from our first child and am barely making ends meet with my job. My children’s father hasn’t paid a dime in child support since he left in December. I am doing the best I can but since I am employed, I do not qualify for ANY assistance and am struggling to provide just basics for my children. It would mean the world to me and my boys if we were chosen as the winners!!!
Kristina Church Click here to vote for any nominee
She is 32 weeks pregnant
Carlene Jackson Delane Click here to vote for any nominee
Carlene deserves this because not only is she an amazing mother and wife, but she helps out and inspires so many other mothers and expectant mothers. I call her my baby guru! She is an all around awesome person!
Zina Drott Click here to vote for any nominee
Way back when I was a little girl, I can remember being carried around like a babydoll, wearing tons of glittered make-up, and looking up to my big sister for anything and everything. That big sister is finally expecting a little girl of her own. She is always trying to surprise her loved ones, and brighten anyones day with a ridiculous story that usually involves herself. She is my wonderful big sister that has had some curve balls this year (that did not coincide with her life plan). I would love it if my sister could be the receiver of a surprise instead of the other way around.
Meg Ellington Click here to vote for any nominee
In October 2012, Meg delivered twin baby boys at 21 weeks at MemorialRegionalHospital in Mechanicsville, VA. At the time she was unaware at the gender, as well as the fact that she was carrying twins (only one showed on an ultrasound). Both boys went to be with the Lord only minutes after delivery. As if postpardum wasn’t hard enough, she had to think of a way to explain to her two daughters (ages 4 and 2, at the time) what happened to their brother(s).
She remained constant in her faith and was soon given the ‘go ahead’ to try again. She was able to conceive again in March 2013 (due November 2013). She has to continually give herself Lovenox injections to prevent blood clots and also has family history of Lupus. She is being treated as ‘high risk’ at Virginia Women’s Center.
I cannot think of a more deserving woman that has had a rough couple of months. She is a stay-at-home mom and enjoys being surrounded by friends and family.
Cyndi Finley Click here to vote for any nominee
In August of last year Cyndi lost her father. It was a long stressful time while he was admitted to hospice. It was one month later they found out she was pregnant. This was an unexpected blessing. They had tried for a baby for a little while and due to a medical condition had given up hope.
Amidst such tragic loss came such a joyous gift. Cyndi’s number one priority has always been to care for others. She cared for her father for many years as he suffered from the side effects of diabetes, which eventually took his life. Her passion extends beyond people, they have taken in rescue dogs who would scheduled to be put down. Helping others is the theme of their household.
She cares for her family and always puts herself second. She stays at home with their daughter and quite the saver. To be able to really provide for this baby would be a blessing!
Erin Fitzgerald Click here to vote for any nominee
Since marrying in 2010, Erin and her husband started trying to have a baby. After a year with no success, Erin sought the assistance of doctors. During this time, many of Erin’s friends had babies, Erin always willing to throw a shower for the friend. In 2011, Erin changed jobs just as her husband was laid off. She supported her husband for 6 months while he found a new job. Relieved from the stress in Mid-2012, Erin became pregnant. As she was finishing her 3rd trimester and about to tell her friends the good news, the doctor told her she’d had a miscarriage weeks prior but her body was holding onto the baby. After surgery and a recovery period, they started treatments and trying again. This January, things were not looking good with the treatments, so they were shocked to find out that they’re pregnant again! However, Erin’s been so busy with work–and just hosted another friend’s baby shower–that she hasn’t taken the time to register or plan for their baby girl, who’s due 10/13/13!
Melodie Franklin Click here to vote for any nominee
Melodie has been married for a couple of years. While she was waffling about being ready to start trying to have a baby due to her career, her husband was certainly ready. After watching a number of slightly older friends have difficulty conceiving, she decided to leave things to fate. As luck would have it, they are expecting their first baby mid-August–gender unknown. It could not be happening to a better person and future mom.
After moving from England to the States in the ’90s for college, Melodie made Richmond her home about 8 years ago. Since then, Melodie has been extremely active in Richmond, supporting the arts and volunteering with Community Supported Agriculture programs–even helping out at farmer’s markets. She is one of the most considerate, engaging, and interesting people in the City, which makes it no surprise that Melodie has an extended list of very good friends. (And her career has not suffered with the choice to start a family–Melodie got promoted last year!)
Kara Fulop Click here to vote for any nominee
No one deserves more than Kara Fulop. She is the best!!
Kara Fulop Click here to vote for any nominee
When I think of an exceptional expectant Mom, Kara is the first person I think of. As a mother of 3 well mannered, bright and beautiful children, her patience, kindness and absolute dedication to her family are traits that every Mom aspires to possess. Kara continues to work fulltime through the final stages of her pregnancy all the while toting kids to practices, games and supporting her honor roll students educationally. She volunteers with our elementary schools PTA and organizes a monthly newsletter which is no small task. I see her helping out the teachers at her daughters middle school at 7am by making copies and walking the halls to help support the school. Kara is the kind of lady who will put her own needs aside to ensure that everyone else has been thought of first; never complaining and always with a genuine smile on her face. Her baby couldn’t have been blessed with a better mother, a kinder father and more loving siblings. The Fulops are an amazing, inspiring family!
Angi Hamer Click here to vote for any nominee
Angi is one of those people you can see as a Mom almost instantly. When word was out that she was pregnant I think everyone around her was happy to see her and Jonathon have the chance to become the parents we all know they’ll be. THE FUN ONES.
Angi is an active Aunt and if you were her facebook friend you might even think those kids were hers. She is an educational professional and will be an amazing mother. She’s always one to help and gives so much to others. I think she’s deserving of the 2013 Dream Baby Shower and I’m not alone.
Amanda Hardesty Click here to vote for any nominee
Amanda is deserving of a dream baby shower because she is such a hard worker, and a great person!!
I was “the new kid” during our senior year in high school, it was a tough year for me. Amanda was my friend the entire time. I really don’t know if I would have stayed at the school if it hadn’t been for her.
She is such a hard worker — 7 days a week! I really think she deserves a surprise, and some relaxing gifts!!
Allison Haymes Click here to vote for any nominee
This is Allison’s first baby, and she is working hard to finish her nursing degree at the same time. Allison is the most caring and loving person I know and would greatly benefit from winning this contest. She volunteers for charity organizations, cares for her grandmother and loves spending time with family. Please pick her to win, she is very deserving!
Annie Medina Hilinski Click here to vote for any nominee
Annie is my ex-fiances sister who is expecting twins in the fall. We recently reconnected as friends after many years. When I was pregnant this past year, Annie, who is a nurse by profession, helped me work through morning sickness, figure out different pregnancy ailments and was instrumental in my c-section recovery along with my postpartum doula. She is a kind, loving and giving lady who deserves to be recognized for her unselfish and supportive character.
Elica Ivanova Click here to vote for any nominee
I am a first-time foreigner mom. Baby Showers do not exist in my home country. I have lived in the US for ten years and I would love to be able to have one here.
Karen Jones Click here to vote for any nominee
This special best friend of mine is having her very first baby, just graduated nursing school and is buying a house! She needs to set up a fabulous nursery for this new little edition to the family! She is such a sweet person and deserves this special gift!
Sharon Howcott-lewis Click here to vote for any nominee
Sharon is having her second baby! Her first born will soon be 8 years old. She is a full time student and she also works full time. Starting over with a new baby can be difficult, but with the dream baby shower it would make it so much easier for Sharon! Thank you for your vote!
Lorriann Limerick Click here to vote for any nominee
My sister is most deserving of a dream baby shower because the baby she’s carrying is a dream come true. She’s dreamed for this moment many years to be a mother, to love, cherish, and to be responsible for a new life for the rest of her life. As a first time expectant mother, I just want for her to experience something so memorable and wonderful along with the new gift she’ll be carrying for 9 months. Also to have the opportunity to wear the hat of a proud mother to be, and to show her how much we love, cherish, and appreciate her. Lorriann is 19 weeks now and she goes through each day like a champ even on days when she’s feeling ill. About 13 weeks into her pregnany my sister learned from her doctor that she have a small fibroid. Though this is dreadful news, I’m just so proud of her for being so positive and embracing each day. Her ultra sound revealed that she’s having a little boy. Her son is definitely her miracle baby and her dream come true. Please vote for Lorriann. Thank you.
Je’Nae Little Click here to vote for any nominee
Je’Nae is one of the kindest, giving and loving people I know. She is also considered a fashionista amongst our small circle of friends. Je’Nae is a mother to 9-year-old twins and a stepmother to a 16-year-old; therefore, she is extremely busy! She deserves a dream baby shower simply because she is a dream to have as a wife, mother, daughter, and friend. There aren’t many people in this world that gives of themselves so freely to others, all while ensuring that her family is well taken care of. Despite some of the very difficult trials and tribulations she has endured in the past, Je’Nae has risen above these obstacles better than the average lady would have ever done. I admire Je’Nae for her strength, tenacity, straightforward attitude, beautiful personality, perseverance, and not to mention her fashion sense! She deserves so many wonderful things that life has to offer, so I don’t see why she wouldn’t deserve a dream baby shower to remember! Je’Nae is definitely Hip to be Round!
Allison Lynch Click here to vote for any nominee
Allison is an all-around great girl. She’s a great friend, a wonderful sister, and the best daughter a mother could have.
Yes, Allison is my daughter, and I think she deserves this shower. She is always the first person to run out to get a card or gift to celebrate the life events for everyone, whether it’s family or friend, or even a co-worker or acquaintance. She loves doing things for other people and does it with a lot of heart. She never misses an opportunity to help or honor the people in her life.
Allison and her husband, Tim, moved to Virginia a year ago—the rest of the family is here in Massachusetts. This is their first baby and the first grandchild for our family on both sides. We are all very excited and wish we lived closer so we could share more in the everday fun and excitement of this special time.
I think if Alli were to win she would be ecstatic. It would truly mean so much.
Rochelle Mauro Click here to vote for any nominee
She is a young single mother of two and one on the way. she has struggled thru many obstacles in her life and remains humble and positive….
Alixis MCcoy Click here to vote for any nominee
This expecting mom is just great!!!! Just puts others before her and has the biggest heart. She’s going to be a great mother, because she is already a great daughter and sister. She puts a smile on everyones face that pass by her and knows it.
Kimberly Mitchel Click here to vote for any nominee
I can’t think of anyone who deserves to be spoiled more than Kimberly. Being from the restaurant world myself, I remember all too clearly how hard the work can be especially when you’re pregnant. She is part of a successful local chain called Sports Page which is family run (her family) and Kim gives it her all. She has patiently put up with ALL of our babies. She came to our showers, our babies first birthdays and now it’s her turn.
She is dedicated to her nieces and nephews and they even have their own special name for her…”GUNDA”. I don’t remember the story, so make her tell you.
I’m so happy she and Scotty are joining the breeders club with us and I would love to see her just get the royal treatment.
Kristina Mitchell Click here to vote for any nominee
Kristina is an amazingly sweet & caring person. She’s always there for her immediate and extended family. She’s faced a lot of challenges this pregnancy from her Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It causes her great pain, some days making it physically difficult to get out of bed and do her day to day activities. At the end of her first trimester she lost her job. She thankfully found another one quickly but it’s only part-time, barely enough to make ends meet. Despite all this she always has a smile on her face and keeps her head up. She’s there whenever we call.
True story: She found out she was pregnant the day I had my baby, her niece. And she’s an amazing aunt to her. She’s going to be an amazing mom. She deserves this more than anyone I know. I’m proud to call her my sister-in-law.
Margie Morgan Click here to vote for any nominee
My name is Margie & I am a Richmond Mom of a wonderful 18 month old Boy. My husband & I had to wait quite a while for him but he was worth every tear shed waiting for him to become a part of this family.
We knew the road to our second child could be just as long as the first yet still each passing month brought tears as we learned we weren’t expecting. One morning this spring I decided to jump the gun and take a pregnancy test just to “see”.I WAS PREGNANT! The excitement was beyond control…little did I know, I was in for an even bigger surprise.
As my Husband & I held hands in the doctors office & watched the screen, through our excited tears, we saw one, two, then THREE babies appear before our eyes. TRIPLETS!
We have been on a whirlwind of emotions & worries since finding out our blessing, but have stayed focused on the fact this is a blessing others use each breath wishing for.
This shower would help us out IMMENSELY with needed supplies & all will be donated afterwards.
Tara Randolph Click here to vote for any nominee
My wife Tara, is an amazing woman and one tough momma. This is our third pregnancy and the most difficult one by far. Our first child was easy breezy. Our second child came almost three months early! Doctors basically told us his chance of survival were slim to non. Well that was three years ago and today we have a healthy active baby boy. Now round three, in February we were told that our unborn baby has a Congenital Heart Defect (HLHS), which will lead to open heart surgery at birth. We were torn. Knowing nothing about this disease we had to dry the tears and do some research. As a father I can’t express how nerve racking these last few months has been for me, but my wife has been so wonderful and positive. Even though she is scared you would never know by looking at her. She is the best mother, she takes care of our two little ones with ease, she continues to grow he cupcake business and all while raising awareness for CHD. She is a Superwoman, she deserves this dream baby shower.
Tabatha Regensburg Click here to vote for any nominee
Tabatha is finally having a baby that is hers. She has tried for so long and it finally happened. She has helped raise my two children and all her other nephews. She is a caring person. Not much money but gives a lot of herself. She is full of faith and determination. She has a heart of gold and this would be a miracle for her and her baby. She deserves a gift so great for all she has done for others. She has given so much this would be GREAT as a thank you. She gonna be a great mom no doubt about it. Choose Tabatha she needs it and deserves it. Tabatha has watched for four years as others have had children and she just smiled but hurt because she didn’t know if she could have a child. God has finally answered her prayers now I hope to give her an awesome shower she won’t forget. She is a very simple person never fancy this would be another blessing she truly deserves. Pick Tabatha she the perfect choice. She deserves another dream to come true.
Anita Roberts Click here to vote for any nominee
I am nominating my sister-in-law Anita for the Dream Baby Shower because after being a step-mom to 3 teenage girls, she is now expecting a precious baby girl! Being a mom to 3 teenagers was so rewarding to her and as much as she loves them, she missed out on being there and experiencing motherhood from the beginning. A fabulous baby shower and some pampering is just what she needs! She gives to everyone and I am hoping she has an opportunity now to relax and enjoy herself (at least until the baby makes her entrance!!) Please consider Anita for the Dream Baby Shower, I know it would make her so very happy!
Isis Rodriguez Click here to vote for any nominee
I don’t really have anyone to nominate me so I will do it for myself. When I was 16 I became pregnant with my first son. I always wanted to give him a baby shower but couldn’t afford one. I brought crib, stroller everything from goodwill or Salvation Army stores. It’s 8 years later and I finally decided to get pregnant with my second child. It’s A Girl I am super excited about that. I’m not sure how I am going to do it but even if it is something small at a park or something I have to do something for my princess that is on the way. I am not going to lie to you that I am poor or anything because luckily I have a roof and food to eat everyday but since my husband is the only one working I’m scared to tell him to at least save some money for a small baby shower. Because even the smallest things are appreciated. I am due by the end of September so I’m still trying to figure out how to get at least the necessary things needed for my baby.To win this baby shower would be a great blessing
Bobbie Salas Click here to vote for any nominee
Bobbie is the sweetest lady with the most loving heart!! She deserves this because she works so hard for her family. She already has two daughters, and now newly married with baby #3 on the way!!
Bobbie Salas Click here to vote for any nominee
I am nominating my friend Bobbie because I would like to see something great happen to her. If she didn’t have bad luck, she would not have any luck at all. She works hard to support her family. Her husband has had difficulty finding employment. The bills are piling up and I think if she was to win this dream baby shower it would benefit her in many ways along with relieve a lot of stress she is feeling due to the financial burdens she is currently having to go through.
ElizabethTrail Click here to vote for any nominee
This is baby #3! We have are so excited and so are big brother and big sister! We have NOTHING left over from the first two kids so we will be starting over and this will be our final baby
Amanda Wemlinger Tubbs Click here to vote for any nominee
This is my first baby and I am graduating from residency, moving and starting a new job all at the same time. I have had no time (or money) to prepare for my baby girl! She needs your help!!
Ashley Valentine Click here to vote for any nominee
I’m nominating myself because I am due near Christmas with a child already and I’m going to nursing school and don’t have the extra money to give my daughter a chiristmas and have a baby shower to get stuff for the next baby.
Claudia Vasquez Click here to vote for any nominee
While I didnt know how to respond to this question as I am nominating myself. I believe my baby deserves this baby shower more than I do. Most people usually have a friend or family member to plan a shower for them and let the mother have the joy that comes with motherhood. I myself am lonely in Virginia with only my husband as a family. My parents and sibling plus extended family reside outside of the country so I’m not sure if I will get a baby shower.
Suzanne l. Vinson Click here to vote for any nominee
we’re each deserving of care, pampering, affection, blessing, and love. there is so much to receiving care, good care from those who are in your tribe and those who surround you.
this baby girl would love to be showered with love, affection, attention, and some delightful treats to show her and mama that so much goodness abounds.
shower mama and baby in the most abundant ways :: through lighting a candle and sending love. through a card or note of encouragement. through your divine presence and excitement for the new life taking shape. through a sweet vote saying “YES!”
here’s to a little pampering and care for this mama’s soul and baby girl.
peace. light. abundance.
Alicia Wilburn Click here to vote for any nominee
Alicia is a hard-working mother of one and soon to be two (due Aug 10), whose husband (a former military man and deputy sheriff) recently underwent heart surgery to repair a damaged valve. He was forced to retire do to his health condition.
Alicia is devoted to caring for people through massage, especially for women during pregnancy. In addition to giving massage, she teaches nuturing prenatal and fertility massage, integrating reflexology and also infant massage.
Because of her husband’s disability, she has become the wage-earner for her family. Her husband will be a stay-at-home dad, caring for the children, while she works to support her family. She could use LOTS of baby things to make it less complicated for her (like a really good breast pump and a co-sleeper) and less stressful for him, too (like a great swing and a diaper changing station on both levels of their home (he shouldn’t be going up and down stairs all day)…
Lindsy Wiltshire Click here to vote for any nominee
Lindsy Wiltshire is not only my best friend of 16 years and the godmother to my 3 children, but the most deserving woman and mother-to-be of a Dream Baby Shower. She is one of those people who was absolutely destined to be a mother. Kind, compassionate, and nurturing are qualities that exemplify Lindsy and her role as a third-grade teacher, aunt, godmother, nanny, sister, daughter and friend. Three years after marrying Trey, whom she has adored since childhood, she is excitedly expecting their first child. Lindsy makes a difference in our community every day by teaching, tutoring, and encouraging children to be the best they can be. She is the friend who throws beautiful baby and bridal showers, offers to keep your kids for the weekend, and makes Easter baskets for the children in her life. I would love for you to vote for Lindsy because she is one of the most selfless people I know and her child deserves nothing less than to be showered with all the love she shows for others.
Richmond’s 2013 Dream Baby Shower Contest is a great way to recognize any expectant Richmond mom who is deserving of her very own Dream Baby Shower. With over $3,000 in prizes up for grabs and fun give-aways for nominees, this is one contest you don’t want to miss!
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Thanks to all the amazing local businesses donating prizes for this fun contest totalling over $3,000.
Richmondmom.com will be donating $5 for each nominee to Nurture, whose mission is to improve the health and well being of childbearing families.
A BIG thank you to Sweet Frog for matching our donation to Nurture! Here’s how it works:
The Grand Prize Winner will be presented with her gifts and will be given invitations from By Invitation Only and sweet treats by Frostings for her very own shower.
The prizes for the Hip to Be Round 2013 Dream Baby Shower winner are as follows:
Hip to be Round – $200 shopping spree for her baby shower dress!
Tuckaway - An invaluable 4 weeks of infant care, valued at $1,100 – Wow
Hayes & Fisk – a $350 photography session and free portrait to capture a special time in your lives
Mamaborn.com - $200 gift certificate towards a Bradley Method Birth Class
Romp N Roll – A spectacular 3 month membership for a Babies Class, valued at $195
Massage Envy – An unforgettable 1 Hour massage and facial valued at $166;
Clover – A fabulous $100 gift card
By Invitation Only - $100 gift certificate towards your perfect Dream Baby Shower invitations
Fit 4 Mom – 1 month of unlimited Stroller Strides classes
Science Museum of Virginia – $99 Super Nova Membership for loads of learning and fun
College Nannies & Tutors - 4 hours of free Nanny Service
Scents of Serenity – $85 towards a wonderful Facial or Massage
Mackenzie Grace - $75 Monogrammed Tote Bag gift certificate
Five signed copies of Richmond Rocks by our own Kate Hall valued at $65!
Cartwheels and Coffee – 3 month membership for 1 child
Storks and More - 5 day sign rental so you can let the World know
Whimsical Gigi – $50 gift card for some really fun stuff
Aunt McRae’s Postpartum Doula service - 8 hours of postpartum Doula services for the price of 6 hours
Frostings Bakeshop - 2 Dozen Deeelicious Cupcakes!
Stella & Dot – Beautiful travel case valued at $50
Save the Date – our annual Hip to Be Round Dream Baby Shower is almost here!
Starting 6/1/13, Hip to Be Round is launching the search for nominations* of amazing, expectant Richmond Moms!
More than $2,000+ in prizes are up for grabs!
Readers will vote for the winner who will receive over $2,000 of great prizes and her own Dream Baby Shower.
All nominees will enjoy an Expectant Girls Night Out at Hip to Be Round on 6/27/13!
Details coming soon–keep watching!
*If you have won a previous contest with Richmondmom.com this year, we’re sorry but you are not eligible.
]]>We had a blast at Hip to Be Round tonight at our Expectant Girls Night Out, with delicious Classic Catering and Frostings supplying our treats. Many thanks to Stony Point Surgery Center for sponsoring this contest as well, and all the amazing Richmond businesses donating gifts (listed below).
We are pleased to announce the winners, as voted by over 2,500 votes from our readers based on their nominations:
The prizes for the Hip to Be Round 2012 Dream Baby Shower winner are as follows, and Kasi’s Dream Baby Shower consists of the prizes listed here and a separate event coordinated by Chris Nease of Celebrations at Home!
Chris Nease of Celebrations at Home creates amazing events, including the baby shower for our grand prize winner, Kasi!
Hip to be Round – $200 shopping spree
$1,000 home care package for grand prize winner from Nurturing Nurse
Real Life Studios – a $750 photography session; 2nd and 3rd place $200 photography sessions
The Cedarhouse School – A Gift bag of goodies worth $250.
Core Kids Academy – $200 Gift Certificate
Science Museum of Virginia – $99 Membership
4 hours free Nanny Service from College Nannies & Tutors valued at $75
RELAY Foods – $75 gift certificate
Atkins, Maestrello, Miller & Associates – $75 Sonicare Toothbrush
Call Federal Credit Union – $50 check to begin a savings plan for the baby.
$50 worth of baby shower invitations by DawnCorrespondence
$50 gift certificate to Champagne and Shoes to accessorize her baby shower outfit
Gourmet Cookies by Valli – $50 Gift Certificate
Wild Greens Catering – providing food for the shower for the 1st place winner.
Here’s how it works:
*please note: blackout dates occur in July; actual shower date to be scheduled with Chris Nease of Celebrations at Home for an optimal, amazing shower!
Adrien Poulos Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I am nominating my daughter Adrien who is a wonderful nurse & a great person.She cares so deeply that not to long ago I called to have her meet me in Carytown. “I can’t Mom, I’m baking,” she said. She & another nurse were whipping up different treats to help a Mother who’s daughter had been in the hospital for almost a year, waiting on a new heart. The Mother wanted to have a big party for her 18th birthday & celebrate receiving the heart. Adrien & her friend wrapped all the treats, returned to the hospital, then sold them to the night shift. This after working 12hrs. All of the money went to the Mom. Adrien was the type of child that would take her mittens off & give them to the homeless person @ the corner. She & Jason had a true Richmond wedding & now are expecting our first grandchild. I’m so happy that I’m going to be Grandma. My little girl is all grown up & I would Love for her to have this very special “Dream Baby Shower” to celebrate her becoming a Mom!~ Thank you~
Alexa Glover Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Alexa is a sweet lady that I’ve known most of my life. The past few years we’ve become better f riends and I know she’s there for me and I’m there for her if we ever need anything. She went through a very rough, unhappy short marriage & sadly suffered miscarriages. She will be 35 in January and recently found out she’s due with a little one in December 2012! She had cramps and spotting early on and was nervous obviously. Thankfully, the baby is healthy and mama is fine! Up until this point, she’s only had fur-babies. She resides with her awesome parents and they’re all excited about welcoming this blessing into their home this winter!
Alison Fallecker Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Alison Fallecker is very deserving of this year’s 2012 Baby Shower! Not that I am biased or anything, being her husband, lol. But, seriously, I have watched my awesome “warrior-chick” wife handle this pregnancy with grace, even when it wasn’t easy. She has maintained a positive mental attitude, even while experiencing constant nausea, zero appetite, and hormonal mood swings. Through it all, she still manages to work her day job, work at our 2 home-based businesses, take care of me, and still keep up with all of the mundane housework. She is SO excited to become a Mom for the first time, as it has been one of her dreams for a long time. Finally, the biggest reason that you should vote for Alison is because of her heart. She spends most of her days selflessly serving other people & taking care of their needs. This would be a huge blessing & a great way to let her know that the people she serves day after day really appreciate all that she does for them. Thanks for voting for Alison!
Alison Griffith Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I would like to nominate Alison Swindell Griffith for the Dream Baby Shower. Alison deserves the shower more than anyone I know. She is a kind hearted, give everything you have type person. She has a beautiful toddler right now and is expecting this fall. She is a career mom who focuses her busy life around her child, her volunteer firefighter and shift working husband, and her community. She spends every moment she can sharing her parenting skills and love for children with a niece as well as her own son and baby on the way. To top it off she just graduated college working on classes, while working, being mom, wife, and an active community member. Alison deserves this honor and would represent Hip to Be Round very well!
Amelia Nelson Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Amelia is 26 years old and this is her first pregnancy. She moved to Richmond from Alabama several years ago, leaving behind friends and family. She has been serving in a restaurant for the last 4 years while also holding a second job in retail. Amelia selflessly decided to put her school career on hold while her husband of 7 months had returned to school. Even though they had planned to wait until he graduated college in 2 years, God had other plans. Currently, she is 17 weeks pregnant, juggling 2 jobs, and helping support her husband who also serves in a restaurant while attending VCU full time. Amelia deserves to win the dream baby shower because despite all of the setbacks in her life she struggles, perseveres and always puts others ahead of herself. I’d like to make things easier for and give her an unforgettable baby shower.
Amy Munn Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Amy is a terrific mom. She is pregnant with her second child. She has a 3 year old daughter who lights up her and her husband’s lives and is a joy to be around. Amy is employed outside the home and does an awesome job of juggling work and family responsibilities. She and her husband recently bought a home and they keep very busy. Amy cares deeply for all children and I just want to be able to give her a “dream shower”. So often we forget about those moms having a second child and tend to think they have all that they need. In this case, all of her baby items are from her daughter and her new little boy may need some additional “boy” items! Amy takes great care of herself and her family and is so very cautious about everything she does while she is pregnant. This just shows how protective and loving a mother she is! Please vote for Amy!!
Amy West Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Because with her first child 9 years ago she was not given a baby shower and she is an amazing mom! She was a single mom for 8 years who has managed to raise an amazing daughter. This new baby will be so lucky to have her as its mother! It will have a fantastic dad as well! Very lucky child!
Anna Lindstrom Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Anna is an exceptional caregiver. She has worked at daycares for many years and lives children. After suffering a traumatic ectopic pregnancy a couple of years ago she was limited at her chances for a healthy pregnancy. She was nervous yet estatic about her pregnancy and Anna is anxiously awaiting the arrival of her baby boy!
Antoinette Marie Alvano Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Antoinette Marie Alvano lives in Richmond, VA with her husband Carl. Antoinette, ( Toni for short) and her husband having been married for over three years. Since Toni was a little girl, she dreamed of having a large family since her biological family is quite small. She married into a large happy and very close Filipino family and she and her husband Carl couldn’t wait to have children. Toni’s love of children inspired her to offer childcare services in addition to her full time business career. While caring for children, it came to light that Toni has a special way with autistic children. Soon, she was in demand for her kind, intelligent and loving childcare skills with this population of children. Toni still skypes with some of her previous little ones and their families. Finally Toni and Carl are blessed with a little one of their own on the way. I feel that this pregnancy is so special and Toni is deserving of a wonderful dream baby shower.
Ashley Barry Mason Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Ashley is a very fun, and loving mother to her son, Max and has a little girl on the way. She is so giving to her friends and lights up a room with her smile. She works hard to make sure her family has what it needs. She deserving of this because she would do anything for her family and friends!! I am so very lucky to have her as a friend.
Ashley Grizzard Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Ashley hopes to be a mother who nurtures and inspires a strong body image, a value in education and curiosity, and demonstrates tons of love to her child. She is a very empathetic and giving person who works with the homeless population by day, but also volunteers her time and energy for the area’s festivals and for organizations that raise awareness of eating disorders during her free time. She has helped fundraise for the Eating Disorder Coalition, and been featured on several local news stations in order to promote positive body image.
Ashley has been a resident of the Museum District for the last 4 years, and looks forward to living a healthy and happy parenthood with her partner, Taylor, that involves family, friends, and the community.
Ashley Michelle Robinson Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I would like to nominate my fiance Ashley Robinson. She is going to be a first time mom this year and is currently a full time student at VCU. She found out she was pregnant in the middle of spring semester and continued to obtain an excellent GPA upon completion of the semester. Ashley plans on maintaining her full-time status in the fall in the pursuit of a higher education in order to support her new family and plans to graduate on time. She is very involved with the Richmond community and is working towards applying to dental school. She is currently taking summer classes and working part time to save money for the baby. We were recently engaged on our trip to Virginia Beach and cannot wait to begin our new lives together. We are a little strapped for cash with us both being full time students. It would mean the world to her if she received this dream baby shower for her first child. I can think of no one more selfless and deserving than my beautiful wife-to-be Ashley!
Blair Ward Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Blair has a huge heart for children and even now still babysits in the evenings or weekends so that others can go out. This would be an amazing gift for her as she is always giving of herself. as she and her hubby are very active in the mission field and often sacrifice their needs for others. Her kindness and compassion towards others are sincerely genuine. Her gratitude, if she won, would be genuine as well.
Brooke Willey Click this link to vote for for any nominee
My husband is in the Army and we are 1,200 miles away from home. He will be away at training for the birth of our son and won’t be able to meet him for almost a month after he arrives. It would be a great experience to win a baby shower, since I don’t have any family here to throw one for me.
Casie Welker Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Casie Welker really needs and deserves this baby shower. She us an awesome person, friend and daughter. I know she is going to be a wonderful mother. She has had some tough times this year and one could not imagine how helpful this shower would be for her. She’s a very hard working person with a huge heart. I know if Casie could win this baby shower it would help her tremendously. She would be overjoyed and thankful I’m sure.
Catherine Gholson Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Cathy is expecting her first baby, a boy named Ryan. Her husband and herself will be celebrating their second year of marriage right around when baby Ryan is due. Cathy has been extremely frugal in buying baby stuff, mostly used, and she’s refurbishing it herself. She’s very active in her church and in VCU sports. I know she’ll raise a very well rounded little man. So this is why I think Cathy should be nominated. And win!
Catherine Whitehurst Grimm Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Catherine is already a phenomenal mother to her son Christian. As the wife of a youth minister, Catherine is very involved with her church and community. She deserves this baby shower because of her caring and compassionate dedication to her friends and family!!!
Christina Dawkins Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I believe this mom to be is very deserving of the 2012 Dream Baby Shower. I am expecting a set of twins, which of course was a great shock. I am now over the initial shock and trying to get prepared. I have a 7 year old daughter who is very excited to have new siblings, but not about sharing the room. I still do not know how to organize the bedroom in the most efficient way. I work two jobs still and so my time is not in abundance. Please consider me as your choice. This will not only help in costs of the twins, but also time I can save to get ready for the new family members.
Crystal Arroyo Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I am nominating Crystal Arroyo because I feel that there is no other person that deserves it more than her. She is a wonderful person with a huge heart. She is always looking for ways to help someone in need. She puts other in front of herself especially if she feels she can do with out. She never turns anyone down and she always encourages people to do better. She has been through so much in her life and she continues to keep faith and have a positive attitude about life. She has been through two miss carriages and this is her first child she is able to hold and I feel she deserves the best. Please nominate her to be the winner cause she is the best candidate for the baby shower.
Crystal Vial Click this link to vote for for any nominee
TRIPLETS! I am nominating my friend, Crystal Vial; a driven physical therapist, dedicated wife and loving mother to her 2 year old son. She is 18 weeks pregnant with TRIPLETS!!! Due to complications in her high risk pregnancy she is on doctors orders not to work and therefore leaving her family on just one salary. Crystal is a wonderful person who is very deserving of this nomination and in need of our help! Please consider her with your vote and thank you!
Danielle Domangue Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I would like to nominate expectant mom Danielle Domangue. She is a woman who gave up her life and home in Texas to move to be with the man she loved and the father of her child. She has worked incredibly hard to make a wonderful life for her baby, herself and the father of her child. She works, she takes care of their two dogs and she keeps herself in shape as well as involved with the community so that she can get to know more people and make a true home here. I don’t know anyone more wonderful or deserving of having a gift for their new baby- except Danielle.
Erica Thomas Click this link to vote for for any nominee
She has done a lot for everyone between her fiance’s family and my families. She’s an awesome girl who deserves something for her and her li’l bundle of joy.
Heather Twiddy Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I am a mother of 1 who has been trying for a second for 2 years now. I would like to have a dream baby shower to help with the items you need when having a baby. With my first one, my husband and I both lost our jobs and hit rock bottom – now he is employed and I work part-time. We have made sure for every holiday our daughter does not go without even if that means we do. I know some people have sadder stories or harder times. I just hope to give anything and everything to my children and this will help. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Hedi Cho Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Hedi spends so much time dedicated towards the well-being of her son, Cooper. She chronicles her love for her son in a blog that she started in 2009 and continues highlighting her trips to Wolf Great Lodge, the fears (and relief) of starting day care, and birthday parties that look straight out of a Pinterest profile (you know the ones I’m talking about — those crazy, amazing ones where you’re like, O-M-G.). All this while maintaining a career. Wow! Clearly, she has more than 24 hours in a day. She is now expecting a daughter, and I am sure she will share just as much love and dedication towards her too. I just wish she would share the impending baby’s name already. WHAT IS IT??
Jennie Davis Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Jennie Davis – full of joy, (and increasingly full of Sophia), in her excited anticipation of bringing to this world a wonderful, positive person, is herself most deserving of being voted winner of the Richmondmom.com dream baby shower. I hereby do nominate her, and invite you to vote for her.
Jennifer Greene Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Wow, I’m not sure there are words special enough for this momma! She is an amazing, mother, wife, best friend, sister, & more! Jennifer has Joshua,7, Rylan,2, a Beautiful Angel baby Jocelynn who would be 3, and a little princess on the way due in September! Jennifer is definitely the rock of the group, no matter what she’s struggling with, she will make it a point that her kids are happy and have everything they want! She will always help you with anything she can! Jennifer has NEVER had a shower even close to what she deserves! With Josh she didn’t have a baby shower, and with Rylan it was all thrown on her last minute to do it all! Jennifer does whatever she can to make everyone around her happy but she doesn’t take the time to make herself happy! Angel baby Jocelynn is watching over her to make sure her sister arrives safely and I think we can all agree the little princess deserves an AMAZING shower! After all she will live in a house of men! Please vote for this deserving mommy.
Jennifer McCord Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Jenni is the hardest working mom I know, and is able to juggle everything while making it look effortless! Jenni has 3 beautiful girls, age 12, 4, and 3. She and her husband, Jonathon, are expecting their first boy in September, and they couldn’t be happier!! They have been hoping for a boy for a long time now, and their dream is finally coming true! Jenni juggles her marriage, her 3 children, volunteering at The Lonesome Dove (which helps to rehabilitate veterans injured in war), all while attending college full-time! She is such an amazing mom and she deserves to have this dream baby shower to get ready for her newest addition to her beautiful family!
Jessica Carwille Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I have had the extreme good fortune of knowing Jessica Carwille. Not only is she my cousin but my best friend as well. Jessica is an outstanding individual. She goes out of her way to help everyone, she works hard for everything she has and has overcome many obstacles in life which have molded her into the AMAZING person she has become.After trying for several years to conceive she and her husband finally “struck gold”. However, it has come at a rough time in her life, her husband lost his job due to a health condition and they are struggling to stay afloat. If anyone deserves this dream baby shower it would be her. I would love for her first pregnancy to be nothing short of AMAZING! She, her husband and soon to be son or daughter deserve nothing but the best!!
Jessica Clark Click this link to vote for for any nominee
My much more hip and round older sister, Jessica Clark, just found out that she is having a second child due in January 2013. I have never met a mother as patient and caring as my sister has been to my 2 1/2 year old niece. This supermom has the power in balancing full time employment (at the best brunch restaurant in Richmond, Millie’s), being a full-time student at VCU, a full time wife, and a full time mother… which doesn’t leave much time for herself! Her husband, who is also wonderful, travels a lot for work, so my sister will spend large amounts of time parenting alone. Now that she’s pregnant again, its time for her to be selfish and to take a load off her feet! All you moms raise your pints (of ice cream), and cheers to what makes this world go round! (LOVE YOU sister<3)
Jessica Sirs Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Jessica is a great mom of a wonderful 3 year old boy and is expecting her 2nd child in November. She works full time at Hopewell Health Care Center and enjoys her work. Her husband is a 2nd year medical student at VCU here in Richmond. They have a very full schedule but still make time to spend with themselves and their son. Their family life is very important to them. I can’t think of anyone more deserving to win this 2012 Dream Baby Shower. It would be a great help to them and a Dream Come True.
Karen Bailey Alexander Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Karen Alexander, Mom Extraordinaire, deserves this prize because she always gives so freely of her self to others and it would be great to see her showered with what she deserves.She has spent the entirety of her professional life serving others and through her work with organizations like Equality Virginia, DC Rape Crisis Center, Volunteer Emergency Families for Children (VEFC), and through grant work with local government – she gave those in need, a much needed voice and much needed support.As a friend, I can tell you she seeks out ways to make each person in her life – family, friend, stranger- feel important and cared for. If sunshine came in human form, it would be Karen Alexander. She is pure joy. Karen is already a Super-Mom to her son from her husband’s first marriage and the baby she is expecting now might just be the luckiest little person in the world. What an amazing gift he/she will get having a Mom like Karen. Thank you and Please give Karen your vote!
Kasi Hurley Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Kasi is pregnant with our seventh child after having 5 boys and a girl. My wife is a great mother, she homeschools all of our kids. However she still finds time to teach adult Sunday School each week – and work on the car with me. Yes, even she thinks she’s crazy, but in a good way! My wife is really hoping for another daughter, it’s been ten years since the last girl. She has no girl stuff and due to our last move not a lot baby things. Why should people nominate Kasi? I guess because, everyone makes a big deal about the first and second child. After the third child people tend to think it’s not a big deal. My wife would like her perhaps last child to be as special as the first! And having old broken and out-dated baby furnishings and borrowed supplies isn’t very special. I love my “Super Mom” Kasi! She needs a moment of celebration to show her that all pregnancies should be special.
Kelly Clary Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Even Miracles take a little time “Fairy Godmother from Cinderella”. Kelly found out she was expecting the day after we buried her grandmother, someone she helped care for regularly. She struggled with health issues and had to see various specialists to even become pregnant. With all she has been through to have a baby, she deserves the Dream Baby Shower.
To My Kelly: She is an amazing wife, daughter, woman, aunt, and friend. She is a loving and caring person, tender, and yet so resilient. She is there for you in the good times and the bad and makes you feel that she will keep you safe. Always ready to pitch in and help, provide guidance when needed, and can do so many things. She has struggled with health issues and is so very grateful to be pregnant and is over the moon excited. She didn’t hesitate to take care of loved ones when they were sick and kisses their boo-boos to help them get well. She is our soft place to fall and our rock. Love, Mom
Kimberly Shackelford Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Kim is very deserving of this Dream Baby Shower. She is a giving and supportive person. She always supports loved ones in their lives by contributing to their special days, events and initiatives!
I wish to nominate my daughter, Kim, for Richmondmom’s 2012 Dream Baby Shower. Kim is a dream herself. Born October 1, 1981, she is as loving and kind as one could be. She is a hard-working and dedicated individual, working both in the corporate world and running a small business part-time. She is often asked to donate her time and services to different functions taking place in Richmond and vicinity and she never hesitates.When she found out she was pregnant with Cupcake, (my granddaughter), she knew she would have to cut back on her activities and part-time work. I know she and her husband would greatly benefit from this giveaway. Not only would they benefit from it, but in the future, when they are no longer able to use these items, they would generously pass them along to the next person in need.
Kimberly is the MOST DESERVING mother to be for this Baby Shower because she is the best sister I could possibly have. She always looks out for others despite the things that she may have going on with herself.
I am nominating Kim Shackleford for this giveaway because of the phenomenal woman she already is…and the fantastic mother that she is going to be!! All of Kim’s friends and family members are sooooo excited to see Kim prego!! This pregnancy is extra special because all of us can remember the stress and anguish Kim, and her husband DeAndre went through due to the miscarriage of their previous pregnancy. Kim had been trying for a while to get prego…and after only about 3 months of being pregnant, she lost the baby. How tragic. But Kim and her hubby handled the best way possible…by sticking by each other’s side and trusting in God. Well eventually, they became pregnant again…and things have gone by smoothly thus far!! Kim is a very giving and loving friend and family member. I can’t think of anyone more deserving of this than my Kimmie!!!
Kristine Stallard Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I am nominating myself because I feel like I am very deserving. I am a fighter, I am kindhearted, and loving. I am currently fighting tooth and nail for my son to be in my custody. Home is where your mom is. I want the best for my children. I don’t have much, the most I offer my children is love, spirit, and a constant reminder that they are the future and nothing can stand in their way if they put their mind to it.
I vote for Kristina Stallard – she is the most caring person i know and would do anything to please her baby . She is great mother to her son and will do anything for her soon to have new born.
Latoya Charity Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I have known Latoya since elementary school and even back then I always knew that she was a very special person with a wonderful heart! Latoya is very much deserving of this award. She is a mother of two young boys who remain on honor roll within school and she is expecting her first daughter in a couple of months. She is currently classified as having a high risk pregnancy due to certain health conditions and her doctor has placed her on a restricted work schedule. Her hours were cut in half which makes finances VERY difficult for her right now. Regardless of her situation she is still willing to lend a helping hand when needed. She is very strong willed, determined, loving and caring person. But most of all she a tremendous friend! If anyone is deserving of this Dream Baby shower it is none other than my friend, Miss Latoya Charity!
Lindsey Leavitt Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Lindsey is an amazing sister to me! She has always been the planner, the get everyone together, the back bone to our family, as the oldest of three. My only wish is to thank her for all she has done by allowing her to have the baby shower she deserves that we cannot afford to throw for her. By winning this contest I could show her how much she means not only to me but our whole family! Please consider her for all she does, as the family representative, vice president of the Children’s Heart Foundation, a full time legal assistant, a wonderful mother and a full time home maker. She is an amazing person and does so much for everyone else I only hope I can do this for her! Casey Robertson
Lindsey is most deserving of this Dream Baby Shower because she is such a special and giving individual. Lindsey entered this world with a Congenital Heart Defect. At the age of 2 she had to have open heart surgery to repair her defect. She went on to play softball competitively in school and continues to play recreationally. Lindsey gave birth to her son, Layne, nearly 4 years ago. Layne was born with a heart murmur and has to be monitored by visits to the Pediatric Cardiologist, he has not had to have any procedures to correct his murmur. Lindsey serves as Vice President of the Children’s Heart Foundation Virginia Chapter. She helps put together events such as our Allison Jacobs Golf Tournament and the Congenital Heart Walk of Central Virginia. In addition to her family, softball and CHFVA, Lindsey works full time for a law firm. Lindsey is a native of the Mechanicsville area. We are excited to welcome a heart healthy little one in October 2012.
Lindsay A. Lewis Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Lindsay Lewis is my best friend and has been for over 20 years! I have been by her side through all the great ups and downs life has to offer and I can’t be more excited for her and her husband, Jamie Lewis, to be expecting their first child!
I know without a doubt that Lindsay will be an amazing mother, afterall, she has a great role model with her mom! Lindsay is one of the most honest and sincere people I have ever known and she can’t wait to, as she puts it, “raise a strong, humble, aware human being.” When Lindsay takes something on whether it’s her job, helping a friend or raising a child she does it with true integrity. She is very conscious of the environment and the people around her. For example, her and Jamie plan on using cloth diapers and have done tons of research on the products they plan on using in hopes of reducing the toxins that they expose their baby to, etc. We plan on throwing her a shower in August and this would make it all the more special!
McRae Brittingham Click this link to vote for for any nominee
She’s Awesome!
Melissa Van Vickle Click this link to vote for for any nominee
For a woman having a child is never easy. They go through so much just with that alone, but Melissa has gone beyond that. She already has a full time job as a mother of a 3 year old, been working to get things ready for the new baby, just finished Nursing School, and is currently studying for her state board exams to become a RN. She does so much for so many people without asking anything in return. That is why I feel she is most deserving of the 2012 Dream Baby Shower.
I am nominating my daughter, Melissa White Van Vickle of Mineral, VA.She’s a hard-working wife, mother to preschooler Reid, and is expecting their “Mini Van” in July. They are confirmed pet lovers, with 2 dogs and 3 cats. After being laid off from her job as an assistant controller in 2009, she decided to return to school to become a Registered Nurse. She had a daily hour-long commute to school, had classes all day, returning home to pick up Reid from child care. Studying nights and weekends, she graduated cum laude in May from nursing school and will soon be taking the boards to license her as a Registered Nurse. She has participated in mission trips with her childhood church and both colleges she attended, helping under-served people in clinics and orphanages. She is active in their church, and belongs to “Moms’ Club” in Mineral. She delivers Meals on Wheels with her son, showing him the way to caring. I expect she’ll continue to do this with their new baby.
Melissa has worked so hard while pregnant. She finished RN school this May and will be sitting for her NCLEX-RN before the baby is born. She is such a caring person and her future patients will thrive under her.She is also a loving and dedicated friend. I can always turn to her for support and advice as I finish up RN school myself. And I know she’s been there for others as well. It’s been a long, hard journey and I don’t know how I would have made it through without her. I also have seen her with her son and she is amazing! So patient and nurturing. I can’t wait to see her with this new little one! She will be a guiding light for me once I’m a parent. She is so deserving as a mom-to-be. Finishing up school to better her and her children’s futures, all while being there for her son and husband.
Michelle Roop Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I am nominating my friend and co worker Michelle. She is wonderful, kind, intelligent and fun loving. She works hard and always goes above and beyond for others. This will be the first child for her and her husband Mike. I think they will make amazing parents!
Nicole Pegram Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I am Nicole’s husband, I have been married to my wife for a little under a year now and she is a wonderful mother to my step-daughter Molly {her daughter}. When I met them for the 1st time I knew my place was meant to be right beside them. So not long after we dated, I asked her to marry me! I married my best friend and got a little best friend with her, now we are adding to our little family. My wife just found out we are 10 weeks pregnant! I want to nominate my wife because she is just the best women a man and a family could ask for. And I look forward to our family growing.
Niki Dunkum Click this link to vote for for any nominee
My daughter, Niki Dunkum, was married in July, graduated from Grad School from VCU in December with her masters in elementary education and found out she was pregnant in January. Teaching has been a life long dream of hers but as you can imagine being due right when school starts is not very good timing for being hired. She has been substituting and they will get by until she can go back to work but I wanted to nominate her for this dream shower in hopes of her winning to help them get started with their new little addition. Niki is the sweetest, most thoughtful person I know and would do anything for her friends and family so I wanted to do this for her! Thank you for considering her for this Dream Baby Shower! Wanda H.
Nikie Roth-Unroe Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I would like to nominate Niki Roth-Unroe. She is an amazing person and friend. And is going to be even more amazing mother. I met Niki because she is married to a high school friend of mine. She instantly became one of my best friends. I have seen how she is with some of my friends children and can only imagine what she has in store for her own children. Shortly after finding out that she was pregnant with the first grandchild on either her or her husband’s sides of the family, she was hit with the unexpected news of the sudden loss of her mother. I can imagine the pain she has for losing a parent, but not the pain she has while carrying a child that her mother will never meet. Niki is stronger than she will give herself credit for. I would like to nominate my friend Niki for the free baby shower to show her how proud I am to have her as a friend and that she is going to make an AMAZING mother! Thanks.
Patricia Ribler Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Even though her upcoming baby will be her first, I am confident Patricia will be one of the best moms in her neighborhood, in Richmond, and beyond. Patricia has everything the ideal mother would! She’s an amazing cook, ask anyone who has had one of her cupcakes. She keeps and beautifully decorates her home with her daily crafts. She teaches kindergarten students and keeps them engaged everyday with awesome activities and exciting lesson plans, and as a fun childhood filled with playing together proves, she has a great imagination that her new baby will adore. Patricia and I had a wonderful mother to follow, and I’m sure if Patricia is half as good of a mother as she was and is as a sister, that’s one lucky baby! She deserves something to reward for her being the woman and mother she is!
Rashan E. Edwards Click this link to vote for for any nominee
This is my 2nd child. When I was pregnant with my son I never had a baby shower. My family is on the west side of the country and since money is tight I did not have the opportunity to fly to see them. I have been to a few baby showers but never had my own. Since I am having a girl this time around I think it would help a lot with me missing my family.
Raven Williams Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I’m a first time mom and would love a chance to win!
Raven is having her first child in September.She is a warm-hearted beautiful woman that is quite obviously already in love with her “nugget” as she calls her unborn son. Raven deserves this shower because she is a special person whose kindness is contagious and who makes others just feel better when she is around them. I have known her since birth and have never known her not to be a sweet person. She is a beautiful woman that would do a wardrobe from your store proud. Raven is going to make a wonderful mother. She makes me proud and I cannot think of anyone who deserves this dream shower more than Raven, Chet, and their little “nugget”.
Raven is a dream friend. Raven met Chet and Chet met Raven…a dream couple. They fell in love and from this love, this dream baby was planned and conceived. The entire family is anxiously awaiting this dream baby. It is only fitting that Raven and Chet should be awarded the Dream Baby Shower.
Raven is expecting her first child. She lives in a small apartment in Richmond. She works hard, loves deeply, loves to have fun. She is so looking to welcoming her in September. when she wins this shower she and Chet will be able to have more funds to save up to find a bigger place to live and raise their son.
We met Raven two years ago and within one day we fell in love. She’s the most genuine person I know. When we found out they were expecting the first words out of my mouth may have been “They lied to us!” because a few weeks prior, they were at a party “not partying” because they were being health conscience until 3/1. Of course, 3/1 marked 12 weeks and they could announce the baby. I quickly got over betrayal and beamed (possibly cried) because there has never been two people more in love or more deserving of having a family together. When Raven is not planning for Nugget, she also works for SweetFrog helping expand the franchise nationally. Through her job she interacts with children and it is obvious how much of a wonderful mother she will make. I want to nominate Raven because she really deserves such a wonderful gift. She constantly gives herself to others and helps out. Her child will be born into such a loving family, that it would be nice to pamper her one more time.
Raven is a delightful, energetic, enthusiastic, caring, considerate, sweet, young woman who is the mother-to-be of my first grand child!!
Raven Williams is my big sister. She is one of the most caring individuals that I know. This is her first child, the first grandchild, and will be the first boy in our family! She deserves this more than anyone I know because ever since we got the news she has been working day in and day out to get ready for this little man!
Raven Williams is the most well deserving candidate for Dream Baby Shower. I have only known her for a short time, but within that time I have witnessed her warm and kind heart. She always has something positive to day and willing to go out of her way to help others. She is always caring for others with a big smile on her face. She has such beautiful qualities and is going to make a wonderful mom to her son.
Rebecca Button Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I think my big sister deserves this baby shower because she’s done nothing for herself sense she has been pregnant. She works all day, every day and doesn’t have the right people to help her throw her own baby shower. So she just wasn’t planning on having one. I just wanna see a smile on her face because its been awhile .
Rebecca Simms Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Already singing to her baby and she isn’t due for 7 months. Rebecca will be the coolest mom ever. Her baby will come out singing her funny wacky songs that only she can come up with. Americas got talent at age 1? Her baby just might do it. I wouldnt be surprised. Crazy, funny, rythmic, and quited talented. This Hip To Be Round mom deserves to be Richmond 2012 Dream Baby Shower winner!
I am expecting my very first child, and we are very excited for this new expierience. Yet not fully prepared, I wish to bring this new life into a wonderful stress free and bright beautiful world. I just need some help to make it stress free I work very hard and want to give my child everything that I did not have growing up, and with your help I can do that. Thank you.
She is hardworking, caring, funny and carries an enthusiastic aura with her wherever she goes. I am certain she will endow her child with a sense of wonder and the belief they can truly make a positive impact in this world as she has. Rebecca is the epitome of what a great mother can be. It would be a great honor for people of Richmond to name her this year’s RICHMOND MOM TO BE!
Rebekah L Midkiff Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Rebekah is one of the most amazing mom’s I know. She has a three year old daughter. Her husband Jake and Bekah are great parents and their daughter is the smartest little thing. She may only be three but can do so much. She is reading, counting and does “chores”. Loves to dance, swims, sings, and can make you laugh until you can’t take any more. With the new baby coming she is already getting ready to help. Practicing holding correctly, diapering, holding the bottle and thinks that she will be in charge. They are a great family and winning a Dream Baby Shower would be awesome for this wonderful family.
Robin Emson Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Robin is one of the coolest chicks I’ve met. Her excitement about her pregnancy is contagious. She has a great sense of humor. Who else changes their profile picture on Facebook to a jar of Prego pasta sauce to announce their pregnancy? Recently I’ve seen her take care of family members so I would love to see her have a fantastic baby shower. I hope you’ll vote for my Prego friend!
Samantha Aida Click this link to vote for for any nominee
My daughter is 25 and getting ready to have her second child in August. She works everyday and comes home to her little boy who is 3 years old and plays with him, cooks for him, and never skips a beat on what he needs. She has made every effort to include her son in this pregnancy. He talks to the baby and knows her name and wants to change her, feed her and love her. I think she deserves it because she is a wonderful, loving, caring mother and friend. She works hard to support her family and loves her son more than anything. I think she deserves something special just for her.
Samantha Erin Parks Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I would like to nominate expectant mom Samantha Parks. She is one of the best moms I know. She is pregnant with her third child and is a loving mom to her two little girls Avery and Londyn. Samantha suffered with infertility before becoming pregnant with her first child and she knows first hand the disappointment of not having a baby to love. She is patient and nurturing and unselfishly spends vast amounts of time teaching her girls how to be creative,kind,silly and loving. By example she teaches her children to put others first. Recently she threw a baby shower for an expectant mom who otherwise would not have had one. It is not unusual for her to organize meal deliveries for sick friends and new moms. Samantha is a very special person and so deserves to be treated in a special way. I hope you will consider her for this honor. Thank You.
Sara Elizabeth Thomas Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Sara is just over a month away from graduating from nursing school and taking her boards! She has worked very hard to get through nursing school and her baby will arrive just as she is accepting job offers. All expectant moms deserve a great baby shower, but an expectant mom who is a brand new nurse deserves one most of all!
Sarah Akin Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Sarah is a friend that I met at church three years ago. Sarah and her husband, Jason are expecting their first child. They are a wonderful couple that have overcome many adversities over the last several years. However, neither allowed the troubles in their lives negatively impact their relationship. They have persevered and worked hard to make their dreams come true. The renewed their vows for their fifth anniversary last fall. Now with a little one on the way, their dreams of a family are coming true. I am nominating them for the Dream Baby Shower just as icing on the cake. What better way to make the addition of the baby to their family than this wonderful baby shower?
Sarah K. Billeter Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I would like to nominate Sarah Billeter! While Sarah may be pregnant with her first child, she is already a ‘Mom’ to dozens of children. You see, Sarah is a Special Education teacher in Hanover County. She spends her time advocating for children who have no voice of their own. Her dedication goes above and beyond her job description and she truly loves each child. On stormy days, she will comfort my autistic son to make sure he feels safe and has even driven him home during storms when he has been too scared to get on the bus. She knows each child’s needs and spends her days protecting them and giving them a secure learning environment. She has given her heart and soul to each of her students, some of which can behave aggressively, but she loves them unconditionally. She deserves an extraordinary baby shower to honor her and her devotion to children with special needs. She is an exceptional woman who loves without boundaries and all of her school children thrive because of it!
Sarah Graves Click this link to vote for for any nominee
The person that I would like to nominate for Richmond’s 2012 Dream Baby Shower is my precious daughter, Sarah Graves. After she and Alex were married, they dreamed of having a child of their own. However, due to complications from a surgery when she was young, Sarah developed adhesion’s disease, which rendered conception difficult. Sarah endured two attempts with in-vitro fertilization, a process that is physically arduous, costly and emotionally challenging. When both attempts failed, because she and her husband had such an abundance of love to give, they decided, through an enormous leap of faith and commitment, to adopt a baby. This September, they will be parents of a baby boy and I can think of no other woman in my life who will be a better mother and more deserving of a new baby than my beautiful daughter, Sarah, who has demonstrated courage, patience, perseverance and a welcoming heart throughout the adoption process. With love, my vote goes to Sarah Graves of Richmond, VA.
Shanice Cross Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I am nominating my daughter for the dream baby shower. She is a strong women who strives to do her best even though she needs help in getting items for her first unborn child (a boy) she will never ask anyone but is so greatful when she recieves gifts from others.
Shannon Cooper Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Shannon is most deserving for this shower because she has been an excellent Godmother to Sean, and Aunt to Malachi and Amir for years and now she is going to be another herself. Most of all, while most of us are surrounded by family during pregnancy, Shannon does not that that. She lives miles away from all of her blood relatives, [they live] in Wisconsin. Shannon also lost her mother to cancer last year. While a dream shower will not replace her loss, it could make this time easier.
Stephanie Edwards Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Stephanie deserves this dream shower mostly because she never asks for anything and since this her first child I would love to see this happen for her . This pregnancy has not been easy on her and I know this would be everything she ever wanted !
Stephanie Tingler Click this link to vote for for any nominee
My friend Stephanie is so deserving of this baby shower. She has a heart of gold. Her husband has worked two jobs just to support the family. Stephanie’s six year old son shares the same birthday as mine. I met her in 2007 and when my family moved here for work,her family was our neighbor. I was very lonely and pregnant at the time with my second child. We actually met because my son which was two at the time bit her sons finger through the fence. She befriended me and has stuck by my side every since. She is truly one of the best mothers I know and is always taking care of other people and their kids. She is always putting other people first. This will be her second child and IT’S A GIRL! No words can truly explain why she should be “The One”. If you ask anyone around her they would for sure vote for her. She would give her shirt right off her back from anyone in need and she is always volunteering her time for school and church.
Tara Kilpatrick Click this link to vote for for any nominee
Tara is expecting her third little boy. She has twin boys that are 5. One of the boys was diagnosed a year ago with a very rare spinal cancer. He has undergone surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. She has been amazingly strong for him and for their family. She is ecstatic to be blessed with another child but has very little time to think about or plan for his arrival. I believe she is highly deserving of this shower because she gives of herself continuously for her family and has never asked for anything back. It would be amazing to let her know how much people recognize her love and sacrifices.
Taryn McVey Jones Click this link to vote for for any nominee
I’m nominating my daughter, Taryn, because I am so proud of the person she has become, and I know I will be equally proud of the mother she will be. Taryn is one of the most caring and loving people I know, and she likes everyone she meets. I remember one day when she was in elementary school, she got off the bus crying and devastated because someone at school didn’t want to be her friend. Taryn liked everyone, and it was a totally foreign concept to her that someone else wouldn’t feel the same. To this day, she is as loyal a friend (and daughter) as anyone can be. She will be an amazing role model for the daughter that she is expecting, and I have no doubt that her children will grow up in a non-judgmental home, learning total acceptance and love. Mothers are supposed to teach their children,and I hope I instilled in her some admirable qualities, but I have learned much from her as well, and I am proud that she is my daughter and the mother of my granddaughter-to-be!
The prizes for the Hip to Be Round 2012 Dream Baby Shower winner are as follows:
Hip to be Round – $200 shopping spree
$1,000 home care package for grand prize winner from Nurturing Nurse
Real Life Studios – a $750 photography session; 2nd and 3rd place $200 photography sessions
The Cedarhouse School – A Gift bag of goodies worth $250.
Core Kids Academy – $200 Gift Certificate
Science Museum of Virginia – $99 Membership
4 hours free Nanny Service from College Nannies & Tutors valued at $99
RELAY Foods – $75 gift certificate
Atkins, Maestrello, Miller & Associates – $75 Sonicare Toothbrush
Call Federal Credit Union – $50 check to begin a savings plan for the baby.
$50 worth of baby shower invitations by DawnCorrespondence
$50 gift certificate to Champagne and Shoes to accessorize her baby shower outfit
Gourmet Cookies by Valli – $50 Gift Certificate
Wild Greens Catering – catering the winner announcement event!
Thanks to Stony Point Surgery Center and all the amazing local business donating prizes for this fun contest totalling over $4,000.
Here’s how it works:
The Grand Prize Winner will be presented with her gifts and will be given invitations from Dawn Correspondence, catering by Wild Greens Catering, and coordination and favors from Celebrations at Home with Chris Nease for her very own shower to be held by 8/30!*
*please note: blackout dates occur in July; actual shower date to be scheduled with Chris Nease for an optimal, amazing shower!
The prizes for the Hip to Be Round 2012 Dream Baby Shower winner are as follows:
Hip to be Round – $200 shopping spree
$1,000 home care package for grand prize winner from Nurturing Nurse
Real Life Studios – a $750 photography session; 2nd and 3rd place $200 photography sessions
The Cedarhouse School – A Gift bag of goodies worth $250.
Core Kids Academy – $200 Gift Certificate
Massage Envy – 1 Hour massage and facial valued at $156; 2nd and 3rd place $78 massage each
Science Museum of Virginia – $99 Membership
4 hours free Nanny Service from College Nannies & Tutors
RELAY Foods – $75 gift certificate
Richmond Rocks by Richmondmom.com – Signed copies of Richmond Rocks books valued at $65; 2nd and 3rd place winners get signed copies valued at $26
Call Federal Union – $50 check to begin a savings plan for the baby.
$50 worth of baby shower invitations by DawnCorrespondence
$50 gift certificate to Champagne and Shoes to accessorize her baby shower outfit
Gourmet Cookies by Valli – $50 Gift Certificate
Wild Greens Catering – catering the winner announcement event!
Starting 6/1/12, Hip to Be Round is launching the search for nominations* of amazing, expectant Richmond moms with the help of sponsor Stony Point Surgery Center.
$2,000+ in prizes are up for grabs!
You’ve likely heard 103.7′s Melissa Chase talking about Hip to Be Round: it’s full of beautiful clothing for the baby bump, and as a second-time Richmond mom, she knows! She’ll be talking about the Dream Baby Shower soon, too!
Readers will vote for the winner who will receive over $1,000 of great prizes and her own Dream Baby Shower, and all nominees will enjoy an Expectant Girls Night Out at Hip to Be Round on 6/27/12! Prizes are over $2,000 in value!
Details coming soon–keep watching!
*If you have won a previous contest with Richmondmom.com, we’re sorry but you are not eligible.
]]>In a brand-new location (still in Carytown) next to Can Can, they’ve still got the great maternity clothes and baby gear we’ve come to know them for. Expectant Richmond Moms can win their very own Dream Baby Shower by entering, free, here.
Here’s how it works:
1) Enter all information at this link, including why the entrant should win (all information will be posted publicly on the site for voting). The winner with the most unique votes (each person votes just once) will win their own Dream Baby Shower hosted by Hip to Be Round in November.
2) Nominations occur 9/15-9/30/11.
3) Voting occurs 10/1/11-10/19/11 here on the site, and everyone votes just ONCE (so you don’t have to bug all your friends to keep voting!). The winner with the most unique votes wins the Dream Baby Shower.
The winner will be announced at the Expectant Girls Night Out on Oct 20, 2011 at 6:00-7:30pm at Hip to be Roundin Carytown, where all entrants are invited for nibbles courtesy of Green Monkey Catering and a few giveaways to celebrate Richmond’s newest citizens (to be!)
4) The 2 runners-up will receive signed Richmond Rocks books for their new baby and a $25 gift certificate for Hip to be Round.
All entrants will receive a special Dream Baby Shower-only coupon to use during the length of the contest, emailed to each entrant. We look forward to meeting all the expectant new Richmond mamas!
Prizes include $1,000+ in great gifts for mom & baby (and the list is growing, so check back for more prize announcements!):
-$200 Shopping Spree in Hip to Be Round -$350 gift certificate to Hayes & Fisk, the Art of Photography
-$80 one free month of baby classes from Romp n’ Roll
-$78 one hour prenatal massage from Massage Envy Richmond
-$70 Sonicare toothbrush from Atkins, Maestrello, Miller & Associates Pediatric Dentistry
-$50 Visa Card from Call Federal Credit Union
-$50 gift certificate from Clover children’s consignment
-$50 gift certificate to Mom’s Treehouse
-$50 gift certificate from Relay Foods
-$50 gift certificate to Toyconomy
-$44 four exhibit passes to the Science Museum of Virginia
-$26 two signed Richmond Rocks books, one for new baby, one for the family
Here’s how it works:
1) Any Richmond expectant mom may nominate herself or be”nominated for this contest from 10/18/10-11/1/10. Nominations are now CLOSED and will be posted on the site no later than Wednesday, 11/3/10.
2) Voting: each person may only vote ONCE. This is anyone’s contest, baby. Voting was held on Richmondmom.com from 11/3/10-11/16/10. VOTING IS NOW CLOSED, thanks to all who voted!
3) One lucky mom will win all the great prizes valued at over $1500, AND all the nominees are invited to attend an “Expectant Girls Night Out” with us on November 18, 2010 at It’s Hip to Be Round in Carytown with delicious food from Chick-fil-A. We’ll give away schwag bags to all attendees and the chance to win massages from Massage Envy, Richmond Rocks books, and more! CLICK HERE TO RSVP.
Click here to RSVP for the Expectant Girls Night Out!
4) The grand prize winner will be announced at the Expectant Girls Night out and she will receive her very own Dream Baby Shower at It’s Hip to Be Round on December 12, 2010. We’ll have complimentary food from delicious Chick-fil-A Richmond!
Special thanks to Christine Nease of Celebrations at Home for helping us coordinate the winning mom’s Dream Baby Shower!
The grand prize winner will receive $1500 in gifts from these incredible Richmond businesses*:
$500 gift certificate to Hayes & Fisk, the Art of Photography
$100 gift certificate for her dream baby shower dress from It’s Hip to Be Round
$78 value 90-minute prenatal massage from Massage Envy
$75 gift from Creative Mortgage
$100 gift certificate from OmMama Prenatal Yoga
$100 gift certificate from USA Baby & Big Kids
$100 gift certificate to Weebsworld
$100 value invitations for shower from By Invitation Only
Jewelry piece designed by Jay Sharpe Custom Jewelry
$100 gift certificate to shop in Clover, Carytown’s newest consignment boutique for kids
$30 value signed Richmond Rocks children’s books
$54 value free month membership to Stroller Strides Richmond
$50 Visa Gift Card from Call Federal Credit Union
$50 gift basket from Stripes & Polkadots
$45 value membership from Carytown’s Cartwheels & Coffee
$25 gift certificate from World of Mirth toy store in Carytown
$25 custom-made beanie hat from Richmond mom & owner of Chocolate Fishies
$25 bracelet called “The Gift” from Premiere Designs Rep Elizabeth Trail
2nd and 3rd place winners will receive:
2nd prize winner – $50 toward your baby shower outfit at It’s Hip to Be Round
3rd prize winner – $30 toward your baby shower outfit at It’s Hip to Be Round
$25 value one free week at Stroller Strides Richmond
$15 value signed Richmond Rocks children’s book
$15 value personalized burp cloth from Stripes & Polkadots
$15 gift certificates from World of Mirth toy store in Carytown
2nd place: $50 gift certificate to shop in Clover, Carytown’s newest consignment boutique for kids, 3rd place: $25 gift certificate to shop in Clover
*Please note prizes are subject to change.