What is the role of the U. S. State Department?

The role of the State Department is to negotiate international claims settlements with foreign sovereigns. Thus, at an appropriate time in the future, it is expected that the State Department will negotiate a settlement with the Cuban government concerning compensation for, or restitution of, property seized from U.S. nationals by the Castro regime. This procedure will involve the Office of the Legal Advisor, International Claims and Investment Disputes (L/CID), which authorized to arrange government-to-government settlements on behalf of all claimants involving the principle "doctrine of espousal."

The role of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, a unit of the Department of Justice is to determine the validity and valuation of claims of U.S. nationals for loss of property in foreign countries. From 1965 to 1972 the Commission conducted its Cuban Claims program to consider the claims of U.S. nationals for property taken by the Cuban government. The 5,911 claims approved and certified by the Commission were sent to the Secretary of State for use in future negotiations with the government of Cuba.

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