Our brush with fame: The Martha Stewart Social Media Show!

image OK, this photo’s a bit fuzzy, but hey, it’s a self-portrait taken with a blackberry, what can we say?? And, our hands were shaking from excitement, we were in New York City on the set of Martha Stewart waiting to see Twitter Founder Biz Stone! How cool is that?

imageLet’s start from the beginning. My pal Cindy Bennett, an ultra-cool eco-green realtor (and shop owner of Monkeygrass at the Shops at 5807 here in Richmond) sent me an email one day asking what I thought was a rhetorical question: “Want to go to the Martha Stewart show in NYC with me?”

Does a mouse love cheese? Do birds sing? Does the monkey chase the weasel? Well, you get the picture. Of course I wanted to go. After all, it was Martha’s social media show (for us Tweeters, we used the hashtag #thetechshow) in which she featured the founders of our beloved social media tools like Twitter and Facebook. So, after hauling ourselves out of warm beds in Richmond at o-dark-thirty we boarded a plane for NY and within 90 minutes, hit the streets in search of breakfast, a bit of shopping, then Martha.

We had to be in line at 12:45 for the taping, at which time we took these uber-cheesy photos of ourselves in front of her multi-media HQ in that magical city. We were offered complimentary not-so-scrumptious hot dogs as we waited in line for the show, at which time we were being asked to write down questions we’d like to ask of the panelists. After gathering up our 8 1/2 X 11 sheets with questions scrawled on them, one of the show employees who was all of nineteen, complete with Janet Jackson-headset strode up to me and said, “Would you like to ask your question on national television?” image

Do toddlers throw tantrums? Do babies need naps? Do moms need their wine? And I immediately regretted not wearing something cuter to the show.

The excitement was growing as they bustled us into one of two “staging rooms” as we waited to be seated for the big show. A jolly, perky guy rolled in named Joey Kola (he later asked us to friend him on Facebook, which I need to get around to doing, for kicks) who was our “host” for the afternoon and would prep us for the show, complete with what to do when he rubbed his tummy and we were to respond with the “mmmmmm” sound. This was kind of like preschool! No sweat.

After waiting in the staging rooms and oogling over Martha’s fabulous merchandise (which you could purchase for just 29.99 and up after the show). We were asked to constantly keep out our “technology” (at which Cindy and I simultaneously giggled each time they said it), because, as aforementioned, this was #thetechshow. We were carefully placed into our seats on the picture-perfect set (think KMart ad on steroids, it screamed white porcelain china) and the music started pumping. One thing I gotta say for her, the lady–or her set hands–rock. They pumped up the jam as we sat in our seats and the four ladies next to me (their “technology” were cool tiny Mac laptops), who work for an up-and-coming site called Urlesque.com and who insisted that I plug my site name when I asked my question to the national mommy blogger, Heather Cabot of TheWellmom.com.

All in all, we were on the set around two hours to tape six segments, and it ended much too soon. We clapped until our hands hurt, smiled until our cheeks were sore, and had spots from all the stars in our eyes.

The result? You can watch it here. If you want to get crazy and skip to the end to see my corny question, that’s cool, too.

Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder of RichmondMom.com and author of Richmond Rocks and Richmond Rocks Spooky Sequel, two fun history books for kids. She has three children ages eleven to six and is truly appreciative of the 185,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to have created a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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