Doctor Oz and his Real Richmond Moms


Want to see some REAL Richmond moms having their lives and bodies transformed with Doctor Oz? Tune in: MONDAY – OCTOBER 12, 2009 on CBS Channel 6: “YOUR BEST SEX AFTER 35: A WOMAN’S GUIDE TO REVIVING HER SEX DRIVE WITH DR. LAURA BERMAN”

If you remember, back in August the Doctor Oz show contacted to help with their search for Richmond moms who wanted to participate in a “real desperate housewives” transformation, and since Richmond, VA had been chosen as a market, who better to go-to than us?

Toni Winston, in the center of the photo here, has had a ton of fun with this process, and has already lost 13 lbs! Here’s the “skinny” on her progress so far:
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What’s the toughest part about the Doctor Oz program?

Toni: No donuts! I LOVE my “killer” Krispy Kremes and I’ve had to give them up, and what the Doctor Oz show calls my “killer candy.” I also had to clean out my pantry/fridge yesterday and get rid of anything with an “ose” in it: fructose, glucose, you name it. We’re focusing on eating lean, healthy cuts of meat and fresh fruits and vegetables. Basically, it’s eating natural foods–it’s not rocket-science! So what is an average breakfast for you?

Toni: They encourage us to eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day if we can. For example, egg whites and turkey sausage for breakfast is a good option; or oatmeal, but I don’t do oatmeal! And, it’s really not a big deal to give up the entire egg to eat just the egg whites, it’s so much healthier. What was it like to have the Doctor Oz crew call you and choose you for their “Real Housewives of Richmond” series?

Toni: CRAZY! I couldn’t believe it. As soon as sent out the “call for moms” I immediately replied, then they called me right away but I didn’t hear anything for days. I was so hoping that I would get chosen! It was really amazing to have the entire film crew in my house in Richmond–they came down from New York and interviewed the family. The entire Doctor Oz crew is SO nice. What’s been the biggest surprise throughout this process?

Toni: On Sept 14th we (the three of us chosen for this show) flew to Doctor Oz’ office–vitals, measurements, BMI, etc. We actually got to meet Doctor Oz which was amazing–we weren’t supposed to meet him that day! My high blood pressure was the biggest shocker–Doctor Mike is Doctor Oz’ right-hand, and he’s having me focus on excercise, which I really wasn’t doing much of before. This includes taking 10,000 steps per day, wearing pedometer, and as I say “keeping it moving!” I email him every day with my progress, have to tell him activity level and steps for the day. What’s your favorite type of excercise?

Toni: Zumba! I love it! I also walk at least once per week with the other “Real Richmond Housewives” who work here with me at Capital One. We are all very supportive of each other. And, I’ve found that if I’m stressed out, I really enjoy going out on our trails and walking for thirty minutes–I feel SO much better when I get back to my desk. What are your goals with this program?

Toni: Just to be healthier all around. Doctor Oz and his crew ask us to focus not so much on the weight, but on our waist–the real health dangers come from having a larger waist. So we send both our weight and waist measurements frequently. But, I AM losing weight–I’ve already lost 13 lbs! Way to go, Toni! Keep us posted!

DON’T miss Toni, Stacy, and Brook, all Richmond moms, as they are nationally televised this coming Monday, October 12, 2009.

Here’s the skinny on this episode:

One-third of women in their thirties and forties complain they’ve lost their interest in sex, and they don’t know why. Contestants Mary Ann (Commack, NY) and Elise (Melville, NY) compete in a game of “Libido: Fact or Fiction,” and sex therapist Dr. Laura Berman partners with Dr. Oz to reveal the top five causes of low libido in women over the age of 35, and the five things people — such as Jessica and her husband Scott (Apple Valley, MN) –can do to revive it. 䀁¸ Nutritionist Dr. Rovenia Brock joins Dr. Oz as he adopts three Richmond, VA desperate housewives, Stacy, Brook and Toni, who need his help losing weight and getting healthy. 䀁¸ Dr. Oz and his Assistant of the Day, Maria (Commack, NY) find out why the deadliest part of your body could be on your face. 䀁¸ “Ask Dr. Oz” questions from Laura (Farmingville, NY), Ben (Pelham, NY), Leanne (Melville, NY), and Stephanie (New York, NY) 䀁¸ Dr. Oz gets a West African dance lesson from a viewer, Brenda (Baltimore, MD).

Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder of and author of Richmond Rocks and Richmond Rocks Spooky Sequel, two fun history books for kids. She has three children ages eleven to six and is truly appreciative of the 185,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to have created a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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