Fox College Funding Offers Video Tutorials for Parents to Help with the FAFSA

Free Video Tutorials Now Available for Parents to Help Them Avoid Making Mistakes Filling Out the FAFSA

Fox College Funding LLC ( is providing free access to a series of video tutorials ( to answer parents’ most pressing questions about how to accurately fill out and submit the FAFSA, the federal financial aid application.  While they are awaiting college admissions decisions, they need to meet the financial aid application filing deadlines for each college to which the student is applying.

This years FAFSA has been redesigned and greatly simplified this year, parents are still confused about how to correctly answer many of the questions. Parents need clarification on, for instance:

  • Which assets need to be reported and which can we omit?
  • How should we properly value our assets?
  • In a separation or divorce situation, which parent should fill out the FAFSA?
  • Why should we always sign the FAFSA electronically and how do we do that?
  • Since there is only room to enter ten schools on the application, what do we do if our child has applied to more than ten schools?

In the tutorials Deborah Fox, founder of Fox College Funding, guides parents step-by-step through each section of the FAFSA and provides answers to the most frequently asked questions. Ms. Fox is recognized as one of the nation’s leading experts in college planning and is regularly interviewed and quoted by national media. For the past twelve years Fox College Funding has specialized in working with families across the country to help them navigate the financial aid process and to develop a personalized college funding plan that can reduce their college expenses by tens of thousands of dollars.

Fox College Funding is providing access to as a community outreach project to offer parents the critical information they need so they can position themselves to receive the best possible financial aid award.  Fox College Funding is represented locally by Michael Jones in Midlothian and Jonathan West of College Funding Group in the West End.


Kate Semp

Kate Semp is a SAHM of 5 with a passion for travelling, cooking, technology and living life BIG. After graduating from William & Mary she did a stint in West Africa with the Peace Corps and teaching High School Biology. Trading in her passport for a wedding ring Kate moved to Richmond in 2001.

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