What’s my Plan B?

I love Liz Lemon.

Seriously. She is smart, spunky, and always climbing her way to the top in brave attempts to be positive amidst a world of crazy people. We are kindred spirits (except I’m likely considered one of the latter group mentioned, admittedly.)

Tonight on 30 Rock Liz tries to calm everyone in the studio in the middle of the series being put on a hiatus, which she assumes is temporary.

Sweet Liz, trying to make everyone confident, calm, and happy, when the end may be near. Oh, how we love you.

All the while, she sits in her offices looking at a tablet of notebook paper with the bold letters “PLAN B” written on it–and nothing else.

As moms, we often do this with kids. Don’t panic! I promise I’ll get you that Bakugan! It’ll be okay, we will eventually get to go to a giant-sized-overpriced-amusement-park, it’ll happen! And, Saturday is coming, you won’t have to ride the big cheese every day!

But what’s our Plan B when life decides to turn us upside down?

When my last company, LandAmerica Financial Group, Inc. went bankrupt and I was unemployed for the first time in 15 years, I decided to launch into Richmondmom.com full-time. It really wasn’t my Plan B but I quickly slipped it into the Plan B spot when it was apparent that a Plan B was needed.

When my daughter got sick Monday and I’m on a new job and my husband went out of town and I was afraid to ask to work at home I quickly said, you know what? I bet my boss might just be open to Plan B. I’m gonna ask her. And voila! Plan B arrived, I pecked away at powerpoint decks while my little platinum-haired darling literally rode atop my shoulders as she perked up from illness.

Sometimes it’s not always the choosing of Plan B that causes pain, it’s the implementation.

Sadly, there are times in our life when a Plan B is not so readily available. It is in these moments that we claw, search, beg for an answer.

Our friends can often help us develop the plan. Our spouses, too, if we’re fortunate enough to have one for support. In stories of utter despair and loss like the recent loss of Richmonder Taylor Anderson, I can only imagine that her family is saying, what in the world is our Plan B without her? How on earth do we go on?

So, the job loss and sick days and tv network cancellations and Bakugan-envy pale in comparison to the real plans that good people make every day with their lives. We (hopefully) put it all in perspective and realize that Plan B may not be so bad, ’cause after all, we’re here to execute the plan. If it don’t work, we’ll go to Plan C.

And that’s a pretty lucky experience.

Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder of RichmondMom.com and author of Richmond Rocks and Richmond Rocks Spooky Sequel, two fun history books for kids. She has three children ages eleven to six and is truly appreciative of the 185,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to have created a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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