Channeling my frustration on the Casey Anthony trial

When I heard the news yesterday that Casey Anthony was acquitted, I was frustrated, angry, horrified at our justice system and more importantly for this woman who called herself a mother. Whether or not the jury did the right thing is questionable in my mind–although I don’t envy them and the sacrifice they made in the name of justice.

The end result of this madness left me feeling hollow and with my own murderous thoughts towards this woman who did little to protect her daughter.

This beautiful little girl is dead, and according to all the evidence that we in the public eye have been given, this toddler’s demise is the result of her mother’s negligence.  For many of us whose hearts break to see our little ones cry over skinned knees and hurt feelings of a schoolmate’s taunt, even the remote chance of losing a child this catastrophically is one we’re unable to process.

After stewing over it for twenty-four hours I’ve decided that I can’t give up any energy–albeit negative–to Casey Anthony, her apparent neglect of her beautiful daughter, and the ridiculous tangled web of lies unearthed in her court appearances. Alas, I have children of my own to raise, a job to do, a community to support, and quite frankly not enough energy to spare on this woman who has surely lost her soul and the family she has shattered.

I was thrilled to see an effort locally here in Richmond through several Facebook posts where women–and the Richmond community at large–is urging donations to children’s charities including Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) to funnel collective frustration into positive change right here in Richmond, VA. is making a donation, and we hope others will consider the same.

The urge to hug my children tight won’t leave; the urge to reach out to friends, fellow moms, who may be lost and afraid and unstable tugs at me. Let’s be there for each other, and jump from this terrible spot to a platform to a collective prevention for as many children as possible.

Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder of and author of Richmond Rocks and Richmond Rocks Spooky Sequel, two fun history books for kids. She has three children ages eleven to six and is truly appreciative of the 185,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to have created a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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