The Treehouse is Saving My Life

Lisa McGhan is a Richmond mom we're seeing less of these days.

by Lisa McGhan

I am the mother of four. I am disorganized, overweight and often frazzled because of those two character flaws and the every day struggles that go along with having a large family. In February of 2011, I received a life altering opportunity. I had won an 8 week session of Momma Wants Her Body Back at Mom’s Treehouse.

My fourth child was born with two congenital heart defects in 2010. While she is now perfectly healthy, that diagnosis forever changed the direction of my life. I started the Virginia chapter of The Children’s Heart Foundation. I had to make public appearances and speak for events. I became all to aware of my extra weight.

Winning the session of Body Back was just what I needed. It was one hour twice a week that was devoted to ME! I was challenged to make healthier eating choices and to push myself physically, harder than I had ever pushed myself before.

Me, "Before"

I come from a long line of unhealthy people. Diabetes, Heart Disease, Alcoholism and Depression run through my family on all sides. With the lifestyle I was leading and with my obesity, I was a runaway train headed straight for a future living with Diabetes and Heart Disease. Depression was knocking on my door.

Mom’s Treehouse is saving my life. I workout at the Treehouse a minimum of two days per week. Through classes at Mom’s Treehouse I have met new friends who have become my running partners. I run or walk three days a week and do other classes at least three days per week. I ran my first and second races: Disney Halloween 5k and the Children’s Hospital of Richmond 10k. I began my journey on March 1, 2011 at 288 lbs. I am now in my 5th session of Body Back and have lost 62 lbs., and over 20 inches! I plan to stick with Mom’s Treehouse, even after I hit my goal weight. The relationships I have made and the support and encouragement I have through Mom’s Treehouse cannot be matched.

Me, "After," or should I say, "During"

I am healthier than I was in high school nearly 20 years ago. I am happier than I ever remember being in my life. I have new confidence in myself and my decision making. I am stronger than I ever imagined possible.

Not only do I benefit from now being a member of Mom’s Treehouse, but my family benefits as well, by having a much less grumpy mother, healthier food options and more opportunities for fitness in our everyday life. No longer do I consider myself a runaway train on the rails to disaster. I now see myself as Rachel Pustilnik, owner of Mom’s Treehouse, refers to me, “The Little Engine That Could.”