Saving Money on Plumbing and Heating

One way to save money on plumbing and heating services is to make sure you take advantage of preventive maintenance when possible. But even with taking all of the precautions possible, there are still times when a heating and plumbing expert is needed. Be prepared and know what to expect when you need help.

We talked with Gundlach Plumbing and learned some interesting tips that might just help you in the future. We also got some great advice on possible investments for your home.

Plumbing Questions

Q. Is a tankless water heater a good investment for my family and me?

A. Yes, most definitely! They are safer, cheaper to operate, cleaner and greener than tank-type water heaters. Removing the water storage tank in your home will eliminate all chance of it rupturing and flooding your home with fifty or so gallons of 120 degree water. It will also free up some floor space if you need it. Tankless water heaters really do save money. If you have a tank-type water heater, you are paying for energy to keep 20-50 gallons of water 120 degrees all day and night. With a tankless water heater you only use energy when the hot water is running. They are cleaner because the water is not stored in a tank that can deteriorate. And lastly, using less energy and less water will leave behind a better world for your children and their children.

Q. I have a 50+ year old house with all copper piping. Lately I have had a few “pinhole” leaks. Is it time to replace all the copper? If so, what piping is the best replacement?

A. If you are using untreated well water, definitely yes. If you are using County or City water, it is probably in your best interest. “Pin-hole” leaks form in copper piping because of wear and tear over the years. Friction from 50+ years of water passing through them thins the copper piping. Minerals, etc. in the water can speed up this process. What you need to realize is that this damage is not isolated to the area where the leak has formed. All of your piping has been subjected to the same water flow. When you make one repair, it increases the pressure in the piping and the next weakest point breaks. The piping that works best for water supply piping is CPVC plastic water pipe.

Heating Questions


Q. I am taking estimates to replace my gas boiler. The salesmen insist on “running a load” before giving me a price. What is a load and why do I need to have one done?

Load is a term used for the amount of heating or cooling your home needs. Thirty years ago oil and gas were cheaper and people were less concerned with efficiency. The average boiler was only 50-60% efficient and 2-3 times too big. Older units are still extremely inefficient; however, the heating systems manufactured today are 80-95% efficient. No matter how efficient the unit, if it is sized incorrectly for your home, it still uses more fuel than needed. That is why salesmen run load calculations. Actually, you should welcome this. Finding out that your heating system is only 50% efficient and three times the size it should be will allow you to realize big savings in the amount you spend each year to heat your home.

Q. Should I turn my air conditioning off during the day when I am not at home?

A. No. As the heat rises in your home, coupled with the humidity, it can cause mold growth. Also, when the house is closed up all day, the heat rise can be so great that the air conditioning system will not be able to keep up and may run for a very long time when you do turn it on. This is not good for it. We recommend that you raise the thermostat no more than 3 degrees unless the outdoor temperature is 95 degrees or higher. If the outdoor temperature is 95 or above, leave the thermostat setting the same as when you are home.

Do you have questions for a professional plumbing and heating expert? If so, let us know and we’ll get answers from the experts at Gundlach. Be sure and use your Savvy Saver card to save money with Gundlach too.

If you need help with your plumbing or heating, be sure to call Gundlach – not only do they provide top quality heating and plumbing services, they make customer service their #1 priority too - just click here to see what Linda Stevens has to say about customer feedback.

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Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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