Gardner Grins Creates Beautiful Smiles

“Your child needs braces.”

Those dreaded words!

The dollar signs swirl around your head as you consider the discomfort that often accompanies an adjustment period after they are in place. Images of gleaming mounds of silver metal and wire invade your mind.

Many people just don’t understand all they need to know about braces, and often they don’t even know what to ask. That’s when Dr. Graham Gardner of Gardner Grins can help. He knows that you and/or your child will have questions and anxiety about what’s to follow when braces are recommended.

And then you wonder if Invisalign is an option.

We sat down with Dr. Gardner to learn more about braces and the option of Invisalign.

“We understand that parents and children have a lot of questions about getting braces. Sometimes, braces are not the only answer. Children do not always need braces. Sometimes no treatment is needed. Other times Invisalign or retainers are appropriate. We provide an honest opinion to help you make a decision that works best for you,” explains Dr. Gardner.

Dr. Gardner

Dr. Gardner knows that Invisalign is becoming a popular option today, and they are more affordable than ever before. It’s a modern approach to straightening teeth that offers greater comfort and does not require the bulky, silver braces and painful wires of years ago.

“We custom fit a series of aligner trays for each patient and these are worn over the teeth. They are almost invisible and are created from smooth, comfortable plastic. As the teeth gradually shift, we continue with a series of trays until treatment is complete.”

According to Dr. Gardner, the process varies according to the particular problem being corrected. Most people never notice you are even wearing these invisible “braces” and before you know it, teeth are straight and your smile is radiant.

We were curious about why Dr. Gardner is the orthodontist of choice for so many Richmond patients using Invisalign and this is what we learned:

  1. Dr. Gardner has achieved Invisalign “Elite” status and is in the top 1% of Invisalign dentists in the country.
  2. He has over 10 years of experience using Invisalign with more than 600 patients successfully using this process.
  3. Dr. Gardner teaches and lectures other dentists and orthodontists about the use of Invisalign.
  4. If Invisalign doesn’t work for some reason, which is uncommon, you can switch to clear braces at no charge because Dr. Gardner is that confident in his treatment.

After talking with Dr. Gardner, it was obvious that he loves what he does and takes pride in the successful use of Invisalign for patients. He understands the anxiety and concern that comes with learning that braces are necessary. That’s why he chooses to make it as painless and successful as possible.

Now that’s a good reason to make an appointment with Dr. Gardner. Whether you’re an anxious adult who wants to get some long over-due teeth straightening done, or a teen who wants to smile your way through school without the glare of metal braces, Dr. Gardner has the answer for you.

For a FREE consultation to address any questions or concerns you or your child may have, you can schedule an appointment at your convenience by calling 804.282.6436.

Thanks Dr. Gardner – that’s something to smile about!

Gardner Grins is an advertiser on


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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