Here’s What Parents Say About Brain Balance

If you have a child or know someone diagnosed with learning challenges, then you are probably searching for the best resources available. But how do you know what’s best? Hearing it straight from other parents is one of the best ways to determine great resources for your child too.

At Brain Balance Achievement Centers, they believe every child can connect with success. Here’s what parents are saying about their child’s experience and progress in the Brain Balance Program!

“Tommy who has ADD started the Brain Balance Program in late September and completed it at the end of December. We started noticing some progress about 6 weeks into the program. I had a conference with Tommy’s teacher and she said she has never seen a child make so much progress with his reading skills in such a short amount of time.”

“Hi, Dr. Pete: Remember me, Lucy Picciolo, my daughter Cathy went through the program at Swannee. Wanted to let you know she is doing terrific! She is in 8th grade, has passed the 8th grade writing test, and we just found out today that she passed Math and Reading CRCT in order to go to 9th grade! She will be playing in the Marching Band next year in high school; she plays the trumpet. She is on a regular College Prep diploma. We are so excited and proud of her, and I wanted to Thank Brain Balance and YOU for your work with Cathy when she was in the 5th grade, I know it is because of the BB program and Cathy’s hard work, that has gotten her this far! We are on top of cloud 9 right now, and just want to thank you again from the bottom of our heart to the top. You and the BB group are always in our prayers and because of all the work you guys put into her in 5th grade, she will ever be grateful!!! What an impact you made in her life.”
-David and Lucy

“I had my sons Tommy and Ben there March/April for an evaluation, and with the exercises you gave me I have seen remarkable changes. Just wanted to THANK YOU for all your help with my sons. Ben received a “Best Effort” award the last quarter of school and Tommy’s grades have improved. Thank you again for all you have done to help me. I appreciate it more than you will ever know. I talk about your center and the amazing work that you do to anyone that will listen to me.”

“All I know is I tried dozens of different programs for my son. I saw very little results. After only a few weeks at Brain Balance, I see results. That’s what matters! Results matter!”

Check out Brain Balance Richmond and see all they have to offer for kids – this is a valuable resource that gets results!

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Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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