If You Love Your City: Prove It October 1-28


Do you love Richmond (and the surrounding area)? Then let’s show it!

For the first two weeks in October, you can help renew Richmond. SustainRVA is giving you two weeks to beautify Richmond and get really creative. How?

  • Pick up trash
  • Plant a garden
  • Paint a house
  • Recycle waste
  • Repair a fence

http://www.sustainrva.com/sample-page/ –                 Example of a creative project!

What a fun way to teach children too!

Just do something creative and pretty. And art enthusiasts or children can take trash and articles collected to create a work of eco-friendly art for the two week pop-up art exhibit. There will be awards and the satisfaction of knowing you’re making a difference.

This entire effort has been launched by people and organizations simply donating their time, energy and resources.  you can also help pay for awards by buying a cool sustainRVA shirts here!

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Form a team

Step 2: Send your team name, names of team members, contact information, a few sentences about your plans for cleanup and creation (if applicable), and a team photo to becky@sustainrva.com

Step 3: Make a plan.  Decide where you want your beautification efforts to take place and how you plan to achieve your goals. Check with your landlord, city official, or district association if any efforts are in question. [Get permission before doing anything to property belonging to individuals, businesses, or government.]

Step 4: Take “before” pictures of the space you, or your team, are planning to beautify (pickup, plant, paint, etc..).

Step 5: DO IT!  Put your plan into action.  For the artists – pickup your “materials” and start creating your eco-art!

Step 6: Take “after” pictures and send all photos and a few sentences explaining your efforts to becky@sustainrva.com.

Step 7: Pat yourselves on the back for digging in and making a difference.  And don’t worry – you may get rewarded for your efforts as well. A pat on the back is nice but let’s be real, a prize is even better.

And please, respect the property of others.  If it’s not your house, don’t paint it without permission from the owner.  If it’s not your garden, don’t clean it up.  Generally speaking, if it deals with private property that is not your own, find another area to beautify or go through the appropriate channels to get permission.

The Timeline:

  • October 1st – RENEW RICHMOND Begins!
  • October 1st – 12th – Cleanup, Beautification and Creation
  • October 11th - 14th – Deliver All Eco-Artwork to the Pop-Up Exhibition Location
  • October 17th – Awards Ceremony  & Official Grand Opening of RENEW RICHMOND’s Pop-Up Art Exhibit/ 6-8pm @ 3007 West Cary St.
  • October 15th – 28th – Pop-Up Art Exhibition open to the public

Click here to learn more.

About SustainRVA

It began as an idea among Ellwood Thompson’sbioRide & Urban Grid Solar, while sitting on the patio at Ellwood Thompson’s. A vision that through combined efforts, teamwork, and a little sweat, could change Richmond for the better. We Richmonders love our city.  We love the James River, Downtown, the Fan, the art, the events, the low cost of living relative to all of the super cool things we have access to. We love it all. But sometimes, we forget to slow down and take some time to give that love back to the city that gives so much to us.  On the foundation of the belief that we can pull resources together and create a movement, we established sustainRVA and created the organizations first ever event – RENEW RICHMOND.Welcome to that event and thank you for joining us.


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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