Blogs We Dig: The Mommy Messages

Amanda Moore
Angie McKnight

We’ve discovered another great Richmond blog we dig and we think you will too. The Mommy Messages is a blog where moms post funny, frustrating or embarrassing stories from being a mom.

You’ll find some familiar thoughts on this blog for sure – and you’ll likely have many of your own to post! It’s all in an effort to support one another as moms and helping a worthy cause at the same time.

That’s another reason we dig this blog. The owners/mommies, Amanda Moore and Angie McKnight, support local charitable events and important causes too. Right now, they’re supporting the Jack & Abby Foundation which we’ve also supported here on They will rotate to other women’s and children’s charities and help promote small businesses.

Right now, for each mommy text submitted for the blog and approved, they will donate $.10 to Jack & Abby.

So get busy and submit your own mommy message – and any photos too. Your funny or embarrassing moments are likely to be totally understood by mommies everywhere.

The messages will offer entertainment and support as we all strive to be the best mommies we can be – and as we strive to stay sane in an insane world!

From The Mommy Messages blog: