January 2013 Rock Star: Tamara Tatum


Tamara Tatum and her husband, Mike

Congratulations to Tamara Tatum – our January 2013 Rock Star who will receive a free massage from Massage Envy. Why is Tamara a Rock Star?

There are plenty of reasons. Just ask her husband who submitted this information about his wife:

Tamara is mentoring 14 (7th grade) girls on how to be a Godly woman in 2013.  The group is called “Women of Worth” and meets twice per month.  The lessons have included S-E-L-F (Skills, Experience, Likes, and Foundation), dealing with pain and disappointment, friendship, etc.  My wife is the perfect example to lead this because she walks the walk instead of just talking the talk. She is honest, trustworthy, supportive, caring, modest, humble – providing outreach to the community and creating positive change through her actions.

The positive change she creates in the community is also demonstrated partly through volunteering. For example, each Wednesday night she is leading a “small group” of 12 and 13 year old girls to live by the teachings of the Bible.  There is no better example of  “Treating people the way you want to be treated” than my wonderful wife.  If these girls emulate her life, I cannot imagine following in the footsteps of a better all around individual. She is a mentor and role model to young girls.

Massage Envy SpaTamara is an RN and every patient at the hospital wants to have her as his/her nurse.  She is compassionate, caring, and supportive in every way and she helps others every day through her work. She not only provides them with great nursing care, but she shows true caring and concern for their needs in every way – making a difference in people’s lives.

She’s also been a volunteer nurse recently both day/night when needed for a young 16 year old battling terminal cancer. She gives selflessly of herself in this volunteer capacity while still balancing the demands of her job, family, mentoring, teaching, and church. She works hard to make a difference in the lives of others, in the community, and in the world.

My wonderful wife is “E-X-C-E-P-T-I-O-N-A-L” for these 11 reasons. She is an:

  1. “E”xtraordinary teacher and mentor of [girls] at church
  2. “X”-Rays are less scary for her young patients because she cares
  3. “C”aregiver to a friend’s teen battling cancer
  4. “E”xample of strength for our daughter’s friends and young girls
  5. “P”atients want her for their RN when in PICU
  6. “T”akes care of cleaning elderly mom’s house
  7. “I”nspiration for young women everywhere
  8. “O”rganizes women of worth mtgs for 7th graders
  9. “N”urse for all in and out of hospital, volunteering where needed
  10. “A”lways puts others before herself
  11. “L”eads teen girls to examine tough decisions before they are in these difficult situations

I am truly blessed to have had her as my wife for 21.5 years now.

We think Tamara makes a difference and she rocks! That’s why she’s our January 2013 Rock Star.

Check out all of our Rock Stars on Pinterest!

Do you know someone who deserves to be a Rock Star? Why is the person exceptional (how does she help the community and others, and how does she create positive change?) Let us know by nominating her here and tell us how she makes a difference.


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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