‘Women Build’ Needs Volunteers to Build a House February 11-16

Home is where our heart is WB FlyerCelebrating Valentine’s Day this year just got a little bit sweeter for one woman and her daughter. February 11-16, 2013, Women Build Week is constructing its 44th home for the Derricott Family. Volunteers will help construct a home for this family who has worked hard to achieve their dreams in many areas of life – and now their dream for a home of their own is coming true too!

Women Build challenges and empowers women from all walks of life to help build affordable homes, hope, and opportunity for hardworking and deserving Hanover families. Through Women Build, Habitat is able to boost its volunteers, help women gain confidence and skills, and serve more families.

What will volunteers be doing?

Volunteers will help construct their 44th home for the Derricott Family, located at 11491 Karen Drive. No experience is necessary! The Construction Supervisors teach you everything you need to know. Your volunteer day begins at 8:30 a.m. and concludes by 3:30 p.m.

Who is the Partner Family for the home?

Your hard work will help Lafaye Derricott and her young daughter achieve their dream of an affordable home of their own. Lafaye is a life-long resident of Hanover County and has always shared a small bedroom with her daughter in a cramped house they reside in with extended family. Lafaye has worked hard to put herself through college and works full-time in the medical field. She has also worked part-time for ten years at a local Cracker Barrel.

How do I join?

1500Contact Sarah Dickens, Volunteer Coordinator, at (804) 569-6108 or sdickens@hanoverhfh.org to sign up. Individuals and groups are welcome! You can also support Women Build and the construction of the Derricott home by being a Women Build sponsor or giving a donation in any amount. It’s easy to make an 230online donation by visiting the website.

Get together with other women and do something to share the love this Valentine’s season!


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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