December 30: Resolutions


Content Provided by Virginia Women’s Center It’s that time of year again – time to think about New Year’s resolutions! What are yours and how do you plan to achieve them? Here are some tips and suggestions: If your New Year’s resolution is to eat healthier – don’t immediately force yourself into a strict diet; […]

December 23: Deep Breathing


Content Provided by Virginia Women’s Center The holidays can be a stressful time of year. What is the quickest, least expensive and most effective way to de-stress and relax? The answer is…deep breathing. Everyone can practice deep breathing. Because it requires nothing except you and your breath, it can be done anywhere, anytime. The benefits […]

December 16: High-risk Obstetrics


Content Provided by Virginia Women’s Center While there is no guarantee that preterm labor can be prevented, there are some changes you can make to have a healthy pregnancy and reduce your risk of having a premature baby: Quit smoking, drinking alcohol or using street drugs. Talk to your health care provider about how much […]

December 9: Healthy Holiday Eating

Health Tips from Virginia Women’s Center Over the next several weeks, it is likely that many of us will be traveling from one holiday get-together to another as we celebrate the season with friends and family members. While the holidays can be a fun and festive time, many of our celebrations will be focused on […]

November 25: Grieving and Ways to Cope


By: Virginia Women’s Center Grief is the emotion we feel when we experience a loss. All deaths may be traumatic in some way, but a sudden death is always traumatic. Not only do we suffer with sadness, but our minds are reluctantly trying to integrate a new reality – one that is different from the […]

November 18: Botox for Overactive Bladder


By Virginia Women’s Center An estimated 17 to 53 million Americans are affected by overactive bladder. Frequent urination – the main symptom associated with overactive bladder – is defined as having to use the restroom more than eight times in 24 hours. Other symptoms may include waking up more than two times per night to […]

November 11: “Oh, it’s just PMS!”


By: Virginia Women’s Center   PMS can happen to menstruating women at any age. It is estimated that as many as three out of four women experience some symptoms of PMS. For some women, the symptoms of PMS may just be a nuisance, but not need treatment. Others may find that their daily activities are […]

November 4: Prematurity Awareness


By: Virginia Women’s Center November is prematurity awareness month. In the U.S., 1 out of 8 babies is born prematurely. Premature birth is any birth that occurs before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy. Preterm babies account for a large proportion of infant deaths. More infants die from preterm-related problems than from any other single cause. […]

October 28: Clinical Research


 Provided by Virginia Women’s Health Every year, millions of people volunteer for clinical trials. A clinical trial is a research study carefully designed to answer specific questions about vaccines, new medications or new ways of using known medications. Clinical trials measure the medication’s ability to treat a medical condition and how safe it is to use. Individuals […]

October 21: Packing Healthy School Lunches


Provided by Virginia Women’s Health Packing school lunches can be a time-consuming and sometimes overwhelming process. Here are a few tips we want to share: Pick the right lunchbox Plan ahead Get your kids involved Mix it up Make it colorful and easy to eat, but avoid convenience foods Avoid sugary drinks Include a note […]