Empowering #ToTheGirls Tweets


Courtney Summers, author of Young Adult novels Cracked Up To Be (2009), Some Girls Are (2010), Fall For Anything (2011), This is Not A Test (2012), Please Remain Calm & All The Rage (to be released.) All The Rage, “examines the shame and silence inflicted on young women in a culture that refuses to protect them. […]

Facebook: Where Even Charitable Giving is Controversial

Photo by Steve Johnson via Flickr

Social media is a powerful tool, nobody can dispute that. We use it personally to share our photos and our stories, keep connected with family members overseas and across the country.  We watch our kindergarten friend’s children grow, meet new people, seek advice, give comfort. We share news and information from small things like new […]

Is Facebook Capitalizing On Envy With The Look Back Slideshow?


Facebook has a new feature where an in-house app creates a slideshow of great moments in a user’s timeline and after watching it, the user has the option to share it with everyone on Facebook. Many people used it and shared it and hated it. I tried it out myself although I did not share […]

Learning Disabilities — Get Help from Friends of Quinn

Friends of Quinn

By Sam Marx & Adriana Dakin, Friends of Quinn To many, having a learning disability is more than just having a difficult time learning.  It is often a huge barrier that must be crossed every time the person wants or needs to communicate, whether at school, out shopping, ordering at a restaurant, or even hanging […]

Social media addiction has been passed onto my children

social Media

I thought I was the only one who suffered from this addiction, but apparently it’s made it’s way into the mind of my six-year-old.

Free Speech, Hate Speech, and Facebook

What are the rules of social etiquette on Facebook?

The Internet was abuzz with news Friday that Michelle Duggar, mom to many and star of the TLC reality show “19 Kids and Counting” had a miscarriage. She was in her second trimester. Because of the popularity of the show, it was not surprising that people were talking about it on various social media sites. […]