Richmond mom Sally Nystrom (even after twins): I’m getting my body back!

As told to Kate Hall by Richmond Mom Sally Nystrom–

For years, I have struggled with body image.

I am not sure when it peaked? 4th grade? 9th grade?

But now, I am a mom. After 3 babies in 2 1/2 years, my belly looked like it had been to WW III.

After trying very hard to get pregnant with no success, my doctor told me the best thing to do was lose weight. I started Weight Watchers and did lose about 8 pounds top. But, after all the work to get pregnant and pregnant again (with twins!), I vowed that I would do something for me.

Last summer, I joined the Mother Runners and for the first time in my life, participated in a competition, the SunTrust 8K.

Each day during training, I marked off the walks and runs needed for the program. At the end, I never felt more proud (well, minus two delivery dates). It was the first time that I felt that way. After that experience, I knew I needed to take it further since I still had the weight to lose. I knew exactly what type of program I wanted, I just didn’t know if it existed.

I needed consistency, coaching, education. I wanted to make friends. I needed a whole body makeover. I’ve been able to find that with Body Back at Mom’s Treehouse. I’ve been in the program for four weeks, but already feel so much more confident and in control of myself.

Yes, I have lost weight, but I have also gained strength. I can now do planks, true push ups and wall sits for minutes.

The ten of us along with our trainer, Rachel Pustilnik, support each other through class (twice a week) but also through an online group. We are learning how to face obstacles together: dinner out on the town, friends or family that may not make you feel your best, children that push you to the edge. We are learning how to make better choices instead of eating or having another drink.

Once you reach that forward momentum, it is really addicting and you just want to keep it up.

–Congrats, Sally and all the Body Back ladies, can’t wait to see your results! If you’re interested in any Mom’s Treehouse programs, request one of our free Savvy Saver cards for discounts there. Many of us are running the 10k with the Mother Runners this April, and we’d love to see you at The Treehouse.

Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder of and author of Richmond Rocks and Richmond Rocks Spooky Sequel, two fun history books for kids. She has three children ages eleven to six and is truly appreciative of the 185,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to have created a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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