HCA Virginia Celebrates Healthy Fun Family Event “Familypalooza” at Science Museum of Virginia June 11, 2011

HCA Virginia is celebrating “healthy fun for everyone” at The Tracks at The Science Museum of Virginia Saturday, June 11, 2011 from 11:00am – 3:00pm.

familypalooza! is a FREE fun event for Richmond families focusing on health!

Events include:

Donations and vendor proceeds from familypalooza! will go to the American Heart Association to support their work against childhood obesity and early cardiovascular disease.

Join Richmondmom.com, Richmond Flying Squirrels, NBC12, Richmond Magazine, Lite98, Children’s Museum of Richmond, Richmond Kickers, UR Spiders, Radio Disney AM1290 and The First Tee to support the American Heart Association and celebrate healthy family fun at familypalooza!


Kate Semp

Kate Semp is a SAHM of 5 with a passion for travelling, cooking, technology and living life BIG. After graduating from William & Mary she did a stint in West Africa with the Peace Corps and teaching High School Biology. Trading in her passport for a wedding ring Kate moved to Richmond in 2001.

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