Learn How to Create Food Art

wine loftYummy ART is headed your way. That’s right, art that is delicious to eat!

Spirited Art is offering a class on “Food Art – Learn How to Create Food Art with Chris.”

  • August 12, 2013
  • 6:30pm-9pm
  • Ages 18 and up

Have you always wondered how they create those amazing food masterpieces at hotels and on TV?  This evening,  Chris who is the executive chef from The Wine Loft will come over and lead a 2 hour class on Food Art.  He will lead you and your pairing knife step by step on how to create your own edible art.

Come and join in this one-time event. Click here to register.

Sorry but coupons and discounts not accepted for this evening.


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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