The Great Richmond Yogurt Wars

Way back when, those who craved soft-serve yogurt could find fulfillment only by a frequenting a food court TCBY… or maybe, just maybe, if you lived in an urban environment capable of supporting two dairy delicacy dolers… a Freshens.

Now, here in Richmond, our children can choose the active-culture-filled ambrosia of their desiring from a smorgasbord of both sugared and non-sugared selections.

So what criterion determine the ideal dessert purveyor? Ask any Richmond parent—or child—that question and you’ll likely spur a lively discussion. Doubt many locals would dispute The Shot Heard Round the World in the War of Frozen Aggression was the upstart-ish debut of the Carytown Yapple…mere feet away from the early-established, fan-favorite, SweetFrog…and so the battles began.

What follows are our family’s perspectives when it comes to the Richmond soft-serve yogurt experience. The opinions expressed are ours alone, and not necessarily those of the editors/owners of No compensation—financial or foodstuff—has been received (or offered) for our consideration.

GOIN’ BANANAS (6919 Patterson Avenue, RVA)
: “The yogurt and toppings are the best. The tropical vibe is cool.”
: “The amount of iciness is just right. I like that the cups are all close to the same size. Since you pay by weight, the cup size doesn’t really matter. The staff was really friendly.”

Mom: “Thought it was a nice touch that the toppings had labels as to which were kosher, a nice courtesy for customers. The murals by Happy the Artist really livened up the environment. The lamps were fantastic…feels like the Enchanted Tiki Room at Walt Disney World! The yogurt was good and the rest room is absolutely a must-see.”

(1311 West Broad, RVA)
She-Twin: “The decor is really awful and unappetizing. There are giant pictures of kids eating yogurt with their mouths open, it’s gross. The toppings aren’t so great. The chairs are pretty…they’re neon green.”

He-Twin: “The yogurt is way too icy, and they don’t have many toppings. Like the purple and green colors inside, but the photos on the walls of the kids with mouths full of yogurt are pretty disgusting.”

(3131 W. Cary and 1601 Willow Lawn Drive, RVA)
She-Twin: “The yogurt isn’t the best, but the toppings are awesome. The environment reminds me of Easter.”

He-Twin: “The lights on the ceiling are the BEST! The whole place has a spring-like feel, lots of nice colors. The yogurt is pretty good, and they have funny catch phrases and facts on the TV screens.”

Mom: “The ‘Yappy Hour’ deal provides good incentive, and convenient for after-school or summer afternoon treats…if you are buying for more than one. The rainbow ceiling lights for me are the main/primary attraction, and the staff has never seemed too friendly.”

(2235 Old Brick Road, Short Pump, RVA)
She-Twin: “Mix-It was average. Nothing really stood out.”

He-Twin: “The yogurt was awesome. The vibe was quiet. Not very lively at all.”

Mom: “Mix-It was fine…felt more ‘grown-up’, less family oriented, and likely more juice bar than fro yo.”

PREMIUM YOGURT (8308 Staples Mill Road, RVA–concerned it may be closed–please advise!)
She-Twin: “The staff is very friendly, the yogurt and toppings are very good. Like the arctic theme for the environment.”

He-Twin: “The yogurt is AWESOME. My very favorite as far as yogurt taste and toppings.”
: “The workers are extraordinary…engaging in conversation, but not ‘pushy’. I’m not too keen on orange and blue as a color scheme, but it is a festive place. Thought the quality was absolutely deserving of the ‘premium’ in their name.”

(3137 W. Cary + various throughout RVA metro area)
She-Twin: “The employees are always friendly. The environment is bright and cheerful. The yogurt and toppings are good, and their merchandise is the best.”
: “SweetFrog is pretty awesome, feel like they were the ‘first’ yogurt place and have more flavor and topping options than most of the other places. Their ‘original tart’ is the best. The whole place feels sparkly and bright—it has a happy mood to it. It’s a good place to celebrate.”

Mom: “We have lots of fun memories from SweetFrog experiences…celebrating VCU making it to the Final Four, getting braces off, birthdays and more. Something about the bright pink and green just feels fun. The staff is consistently amazing, beyond friendly and tidying around the toppings non-stop. Love how they also do community support with giveaways/gift cards and fund-raising nights for schools. As if the yummy yogurt wasn’t enough, the crayons we got as a giveaway rival Crayola…and that’s no small statement!”

School may be out for the summer, but we’re giving grades:

He-Twin – A+
She-Twin – A+
Mom – A

[Both kids' grades were below C. Enough said.]

He-Twin – C
She-Twin – C
Mom – B-

He-Twin – B+
She-Twin – B-
Mom – B

He-Twin – A+
She-Twin – A+
Mom – A

He-Twin – A
She-Twin – A
Mom – A+

So what are YOUR thoughts on Richmond’s frozen yogurt venues? Who wins in YOUR family’s opinion?

Do tell!


The exultant mom of now tween twins, Darren and Sarah, Cheryl Lage is a part-time post-producer at the Martin Agency, a freelance writer, author of the bestselling book, Twinspiration: Real-Life Advice from Pregnancy through the First Year (Taylor Trade, c. 2006), and loving wife to her dreamy husband, Scott. Feel free to read their family exploits at .

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