Stand Up Against Bullying: Unity Day is October 9, 2013


UnityDayMHSPosterWe’ve all heard way too much about bullying in the news. Young kids taking their own lives because of bullying is an almost unreal possibility to most of us. But it happens – and much too often.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013 is Unity Day 2013

It’s a day when the National Bullying Prevent Center encourages people around the country to help end bullying. Showing our true colors will help others see how important it is to stand up and protect our children (and adults!) against bullies.

Here’s what you can do to show your support:

  • Make orange your color of the day.
  • Wear something orange to signify your unity against bullying – orange t-shirt, hat, jewelry, or anything!
  • ‘Attend’ and ‘Share’ the Unity Day Facebook event with family, friends, teachers, and others.
  • Encourage your friends to participate in Unity Day by posting about it on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with #UnityDay2013.
  • Post pictures of anyone wearing ORANGE to the UNITY DAY Facebook Event page.
  • Post photos of you wearing orange on October 9th on Instagram with #UnityDay2013.
  • Update your Facebook status to “UNITY DAY, October 9th Join the movement to make it ORANGE and make it end! If you are being bullied, you are not alone. Unite and be a champion against bullying!
  • Sign “The End of Bullying Begins With You” Petition.
  • Stop bullying before it starts! Incorporate learning in the classroom, featuring a toolkit and activities from “The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin” designed for early learners.

Let’s show bullies that we won’t put up with them – and help protect our children against them too. Stand up and stand out on Wednesday, October 9 and wear your ORANGE!


Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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