Fresh, Locally Grown Produce at Your Doorstep.

I used to love grocery shopping.  I’d stroll down the aisles, read labels, try new products.
These days, I have at least 1 or 2 “helpers” with me (sometimes all 3!) and it’s… less relaxing.
Enter: The Farm Table (I seriously took a break from writing this to sign up. No lie.)

It’s easy-peasy to do:
(and a real time saver too!)
Sign up online: (yeah, you’re grocery shopping at work/ while making dinner/ on your phone/ in the preschool pick up line) and pick your “Default Box”.  This is the box you’ll get delivered weekly unless you skip a week or decide to change your order.  Each box is about 12-18lbs of scrumptious, locally grown, freshly picked produce.

You have two defaults to choose from:The Farm Table

The Garden Box is best for busy families who want to offer fresh, healthy, low-calorie snacks to their kids, and more familiar veggies such as carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, green peppers, and tomatoes.

Or, for the more culinary customer,  The Chef Box is for those who want a broad range of vegetables such as squash, cauliflower, spinach, green beans, potatoes, and kale.

Automatic payment: Each week, your credit card will be charged $28.50 plus tax.  Vacationing?  Don’t need it this week?  That’s okay! You can skip as many weeks as you like, and you will never be charged for a week that you skip.

Wait for a weekly menu in your inbox:  Want to modify your regular order? Need a little something extra? A menu is emailed on Friday where you can take a look at what’s available that week.

Place your order:  You, multi-tasker, you! Once again you’re ordering your groceries while waiting for a meeting to start, or during naptime! OR you’re not even thinking about groceries because you know that your delicious default box will be arriving at your doorstep shortly.

Wait with baited breath: Alright, maybe it’s just me who gets this excited about fresh produce delivered to my house…  But I’m not going to lie, I find this part thrilling: The Farm Table delivers every Thursday during the season (unless it’s a holiday).

With each delivery you’ll get a weekly newsletter, with instructions on storing your produce and recipes and ideas for using it (I can always use more ideas). Your produce is harvested from local farms at the peak of ripeness, gathering as many nutrients as possible from the environment before it’s delivered directly to you – unlike grocery store produce that’s sometimes weeks old when it finally arrives on shelves. Not to mention that amazingly farm-fresh taste!

Recycle: Place your empty Farm Table box from your last delivery outside in your preferred delivery location. The Farm Table team members will pick it up and we will re-use or recycle it.

Sign up today and get a $15 off the membership fee!
Use code MOMCOM

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Sarah Cole

Sarah is a full time working mom of four boys. In addition to working and parenting, Sarah has also been seen as an actress on the Richmond stage (and screen).

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