10 Homework Station & Storage Ideas for Small Spaces


It would be great if we all had a huge space to for kids to do their homework after school. But often, bedrooms have too many distractions, playrooms are noisy and homework ends up being done at the kitchen table. Thankfully some creative moms have come up with some small or portable ways to create […]

Homeschool Resources Group and Family Education Center Open House

Homeschool Resource Group

Homeschool Resources Group is opening a new 8,000 square foot Family Education Center. The new education center will offer anything from ballet and martial arts lessons to American history classes. To celebrate the opening the Homeschool Resources Group is hosting an open house Tuesday August 26 1-6pm. Attendees will be able to register for classes […]

Back to School Survival Guide for Students

Mother daughter homework

By Steve Green, Executive Director Sylvan Learning of Richmond For many students, the first day of school doesn’t only bring new teachers and new friends – it can also be a source of anxiety with homework assignments and tests just around the corner. Starting the school year off on the right foot can help minimize […]

Homeschooling FAQS: Your Questions Answered

Photo: Marco Nedermeijer

By Jeanne Faulconer Q. Is homeschooling legal? A. Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states in the U.S., and homeschooling laws are unique in each state. VaHomeschoolers explains Virginia’s legal requirements for homeschooling. Q. Are there families like ours homeschooling? Sure, homeschooling is not for everyone, but it is for anyone. There are all kinds […]

Homeschooling: Is it Right for You and Your Child?

Source: http://heav.org/convention

Thanks to Merre Shepard for participating in our interview about homeschooling. Public school, private school, or homeschool! How do you know what’s best for your child(ren)? And for you? Merre Shepard knew the answer to that question very early for her personal situation – even before she had children of her own!  While attending college, she […]

Richmond Homeschooling 101

Homeschooling Richmond VA photos

submitted by Richmond mom  Tisha McCuiston It’s that time of year again: I’m getting e-mails and calls from friends wanting to know about this homeschooling thing. I have a lot to say about homeschooling, but here’s the first: It isn’t what it used to be or what you might think it is. My son and […]