Announcing our 2013 Richmond Supermom Winner


Congrats to Michelle Colo Burdiss who had the most unique votes and is our 2013 Richmond Supermom! Read her nomination and those of the many other amazing women nominated here. Thanks to Medarva at Stony Point Surgery Center for sponsoring this amazing tribute to Richmond moms. Prizes include over $3,000 of great local swag including a celebration for Michelle [...]

Richmond Author Carin Jayne Casey Publishes First Book, Raises Abuse Awareness

My Dear Rosa Jean is Carin's first book.

Carin Jayne Casey is a Richmond mom and grandmother who is launching her publishing career unlike most local authors–she’s doing so under a pen name. Because her first book focuses on the abuse of the little girl for whom the book is named and is loosely based on experiences from Carin’s own upbringing, she chooses to [...]