Let The Kids Shop For FeedMore When #RVAKidsDonate

Last Christmas, after all the gifts were unwrapped, my dad handed all four of us an envelope. Inside we found some money for us and a note. The note said that half of the money was for us to spend for ourselves and the other half was to give away.  It could be an individual in need, a non profit, a charity… whatever we felt was important, but the idea was to share it.

We all sat and talked for a while about who/what cause would get the money. The conversation changed from all the gifts we got to how we could give to others.  I wondered how I could get my kids to think about giving in a similar way.
So I decided that this Thanksgiving, I’m giving my 9 year old $50 to spend at Martin’s in any way he chooses.

feedmore can-compressedThe catch?

Everything is being donated to FeedMore, the Central Virginia Food Bank.

And I want you to join me.

On November 21st at 10am join me and Max at Martin’s at 200 Charter Colony Parkway in Midlothian and give your child $25 or more and let the kids do the donating.

We’ll provide lists of the most needed items, some challenges, things to think about; one family will win a $200 gift certificate to Dream Dinners.

Share your experience on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #RVAKidsDonate

Interested in participating?  Register here and show up at the event with your kids, let them push the cart, pick out the perishable donations (we’ll have suggestions), pay for their items and turn them in.  Everyone is welcome to participate, but we do ask for a minimum purchase of around $25 so they can really get thinking about how they want to spend the money.

Sign up here!

About FeedMore

feedmoreFeedMore serves neighbors across Central Virginia’s 34 counties and cities, spanning nearly one-third of the state. Through partnerships with business, faith-based, non-profit, public and other organizations, FeedMore offers comprehensive hunger solutions that target our region’s most vulnerable neighbors: children, families and seniors. From our Distribution Center that provided food for 17 million meals last year, the Hunger Hotline that connects people to nearby pantries, to our Meals on Wheels home deliveries, FeedMore’s multi-tiered approach to hunger relief targets the many gaps in our region.