nTelosCaresRVA awards $2,500 to Local Non-profits Today!!

Richmondmom.com was so proud to be part of the most recent nTelosCaresRVA non-profit giveaway! nTelos is doing so much for our community!  Noah’s Children, Prevent Child Abuse Virginia, and Feed More were the three charities included in our contest in September 2013.

Grand Prize goes to Noah's Children!!

Grand Prize goes to Noah’s Children!!

We are happy to announce that our voters chose Noah’s Children as their number one choice to receive the largest financial donation! Congratulations to everyone who works so hard for this non-profit. They received a check for $1,500 from nTelos Wireless at the Willow Lawn location today during the presentation ceremony. Noah’s Children will use 100% of the funds to provide pediatric palliative and hospice care services to local families.

And nTelos didn’t stop there.

They also awarded $500 checks each to Prevent Child Abuse Virginia and Feed More – a nice surprise for these two local non-profits as well.  Feed More will be able to provide 2,500 meals with this donation – that’s pretty amazing!

Richmondmom.com is committed to donating to local community non-profit organizations, and finding ways to help them increase the donations they receive through various channels. nTelos Wireless has been a tremendous supporter of non-profits throughout Virginia, and we are fortunate that they have chosen to work with Richmondmom.com on this important initiative.

We don’t know what they have up their sleeves next, but we know that nTelos Wireless CARES about RVA and they’ll certainly be back so stay tuned!


Congratulations once again to Noah’s Children, Prevent Child Abuse Virginia and Feed More. They are all winners.

And a special thanks to nTelos Wireless for making it all happen!

Thank you nTelos!


Christa Donohue

Christa loves traveling, rolling down grassy hillsides, almost any new challenge, and of course her sweet little family. She has 2 kids, 2 businesses and more email addresses than she can reasonably manage. She's been called 'crazy' on more than one occasion and doesn't even try to deny that it's true.

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About Christa Donohue

Christa loves traveling, rolling down grassy hillsides, almost any new challenge, and of course her sweet little family. She has 2 kids, 2 businesses and more email addresses than she can reasonably manage. She's been called 'crazy' on more than one occasion and doesn't even try to deny that it's true.