Richmond divorce attorney offers helpful words, from women of divorce

Bucci & Dix

Bucci & Dix, a leading Richmond law firm specializing in family law and personal injury, offers some words of wisdom from some of their clients who have experienced divorce. If you are considering a divorce, the Bucci & Dix staff is experienced and can serve you in a kind, caring way with your best interests [...]

What Factors A Virginia Court Looks At When Deciding Child Custody

Bucci & Dix

Perhaps the most emotional aspect of a divorce or separation is deciding which parent or other individual will take custody of the children. It is generally easier on the family for parents to reach an agreement without court intervention, but sometimes that simply is not possible. A court will conduct an evidentiary hearing and decide [...]

Words of Wisdom for Richmond women facing divorce

Bucci & Dix Law Firm Richmond VA

Words of Wisdom from Women who have been thru a divorce… The rules of kindness always apply even though your former spouse may be angry, manipulative, or downright mean. Keep your integrity by refusing to stoop to a low level. ~ Angie ~ ______________________________________ Be brave, be true to yourself and be strong. It is [...]