Dean Willoughby

Dean Willoughby

About Kate Hall
Kate Hall is the CEO of


  1. I met Dean online about 10 years ago while doing genealogy research on my wife's ancestors. We learned that Dean's wife, Bobbie, is my wife's second cousin. Through Dean, we met many other second cousins in and around Coweta County, GA. We took several trips there for lunch with Dean, Bobbie and other cousins. We found Dean to be a real friend and he and I exchanged email often. He wrote about his cancer and requested prayer, and we prayed for him often. We were saddened to learn of his death and wish to express our deepest sympathy to you and all members of his family.
    Frederick and Barbara (Smith) Taylor – Atlanta, GA

    • Richmond_Mom says:

      Fred thank so much for letting me know that–he was a wonderful man! I know many kind words will be said about him and for him at his memorial service this Friday–we will be there. Thanks for reaching out—Kate

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