The Switch

For years now I’ve anticipated Christmas like a little child, hoping for that special gift I’ve been wanting to appear under the tree with my name on it, waiting to be unwrapped like sweet candy to enjoy.

The last few years though, I’ve made the switch.

For weeks before Christmas, we encourage our three kids to work on their lists so they can begin to narrow down the never-ending laundry list of desires they have, hoping to ease Santa’s burden a bit by honing in on exactly what would make their dreams come true Christmas morning.

Although I have a hard time sometimes with the sheer greed of the season and pray that the kids really understand the true spirit of Christmas (as written in a previous post, What I wish for you), the truth is that there is nothing more fun than planning out their stash. So much so, in fact, that my husband and I argue over who gets to do what, because we both want to do it all.  (He usually wins, because he’s better at bargain-hunting than I am. But I get stockings: YES!)

When asked what I wanted for Christmas this year, it took me weeks to finally compile a list. I am the great fortune of not wanting for much in this world. I finally did manage to put one together and ended up with some beautiful things; all of these I could easily live without.

There could’ve been nothing for me under that tree and Christmas morning would’ve been amazing because of the looks in their eyes as they unwrapped each package: it’s the most amazing present I have ever received.

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About Kate Hall
Kate Hall is the Founder & CEO of and author of Richmond Rocks ,a history book for kids. She has three children and a cup that overfloweth. She's really appreciative of the 100,000 + readers that visit this site every year, and for the amazing team of writers helping to fulfill her dream of having a cool blog for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share.