Got Candy? Atkins, Maestrello, Miller & Associates Want It

Halloween is filled with lots of treats and sweets – and kids love it. But it’s also a time when kids may eat too much candy and sugar which is bad for their nutrition and their teeth.

Once again, Atkins, Maestrello, Miller & Associates Pediatric Dentistry are doing their part to make a difference.

They are partnering with Operation Gratitude to buy back kids’ extra Halloween candy for cash and prizes. All of the candy collected will be sent to our military troops overseas. They need it more than our kids do and it’s a special treat for those on duty. It’s one way we can give them a touch of home.

“We want kids to have fun and stay safe while trick-or-treating, but having a lot of extra candy around can lead to extra cavities and other negative health effects. Keep some candy for yourself, but bring us your surplus and we’ll PAY BY THE POUND with cash, prizes from local companies, and raffle tickets for a grand prize! We’re collecting candy from November 1st through November 11th at our office at Gaskins and Three Chopt in the West End,” explains Dr.Elizabeth Miller who is also a dentist, a new mother, and avid runner.
Here’s how it works:
  1. Have fun trick-or-treating and be safe.
  2. Bring extra candy to their offices between November 1 and November 11.
  3. They will exchange each pound of candy for prizes and cash.
  4. They will send the candy and extra goodies to Operation Gratitude to send off to the troops who will enjoy this special treat.
If you want to see what a difference this makes to our troops, just watch this video and see for yourself.

Make a difference and help your kids be a little healthier this Halloween – give extra candy to the troops with the help of Operation Gratitude.

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About RhondaDay
Rhonda Day is a wife, mother and grandmother. Rhonda is a full-time freelance writer. In addition to, she also writes for the Examiner Richmond Grandparenting website ( and many other national websites. You can reach her at