Admitting Addictions is Important: Naming the Cause is Essential

My life has changed so much over the past two years and addictions have crept in quietly as I’ve gotten older. I now realize that it is Kate Hall’s fault that I have become such an addictive person. Revealing this on her website may not be the smartest thing I’ve ever done, but it seems to me that others may also develop addictive behaviors as a result of her actions.

You see, I believe that it is important to admit when you have addictions – and therapeutic to name the cause of the addiction if you know what started it all. So that’s why I’ve decided to come clean.

It all started when I became a fan. I loved the postings, real mom stories, and other articles throughout the site – and then I was addicted. I frequently visited the website and then dared to meet Kate in person. After a cup of coffee and some small talk, she charmed me to start writing an article or two for her. Before I knew it, I was addicted to writing for the site and have been unable to untether myself from the keyboard.

Then I started using the Savvy Saver card. First it was innocent. I would discreetly check to see if a particular business was listed on the card. Over time, the addiction took hold and I constantly reviewed the card, trying to memorize the discounts. This would make it easier when I  had the grandchildren so I could take advantage of those children’s activities that offered discounts through Savvy Saver. And before I knew it, I was using it for my plumbing and heating needs, my vision checks, and my healthcare services. I’m even having new window treatments made, just because Sewinit’ is listed on the card. Once again, Kate’s demons became my demons too.

As luck would have it, I started attending Wine Down Wednesday at the Wine Loft at Kate’s urging. “It will be fun – you’ll enjoy it,” she said. Those fateful words. At first it was a casual, occasional visit. But then it became an addiction and when I am unable to attend, I go into withdrawal – pouting and complaining that I’m missing the event — and knowing that others are laughing, enjoying a glass of wine and having fun. Wine Down is like a therapy session and once you start going, you have to keep going to maintain your control. It’s a new addiction.

Kate was also the nemesis behind my addiction to chocolate - no, wait – I digress. That came before Kate!

And now, it’s happening again. I resisted. I fought it. I veered away from the temptation. I ignored everything she said. I looked away from the screen. But when she said, “Don’t click here unless you’re really ready….” on a Facebook post, I should have known it was a trap. Of course every level-headed woman was going to click to see what it was! And that’s when it happened.


Yep, I’m addicted to Pinterest. Once I finally took the plunge, it took me 5 minutes to create 4 boards and 98 pins! I am officially addicted and it’s all Kate’s fault. Just like Kate, I used a creative, nondescript name: Rhonda Day – so others won’t know I’m so active on Pinterest. I am now plotting how I will fit my “pinteresting” into my daily activities – perhaps in a dark closet in the early morning hours, or in place of writing an article or updating the calendar for each day (that would serve Kate right since she drove me to this addiction!)– or some discreet place where I won’t be discovered.

I know that Kate has her good qualities. She’s 100% dedicated to her family and adores her children, she is committed to her “day job”, she is passionate about and our readers, and she’s zealous in her fund-raising efforts for non-profits and charitable events. But really – does that make up for leading us all down this path of addiction?

I’ll let you decide. Click over to Pinterest and see for yourself – and then you be the judge. And if the weekly calendar seems a bit sparse for the next couple of weeks, it’s all Kate’s fault.

(Because I have a “Coffee and Tea” Pinterest Board and I LOVE coffee, I have to go now – to pin the coffee cup photo from this post).


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