Why Taxpayers Should be Furious at the GSA

If you haven’t yet seen this video, you should drop everything (unless you’re holding a baby or something else equally precious) and watch it now.

Spoiler alert: it’s your tax dollars, blatantly wasted. This particular GSA event was a lavish, $820,000 boondoggle was at our expense, including $100/per person finger-foods, not to mention the GSA’s “Jackass Awards” for “doing something stupid” which “earned GSA employees food.”

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Who's laughing now?

This “event” included a $3200 mind reader (if he was a bit better at his job, he could’ve told the attendees that karma gets everyone in the end), a clown, lavish meals and other ridiculousness that cause shock at other government agencies as well.

GSA Chief Resident Dan Tangherlini speaks in a video clip on the GSA blog about their concerns over the scandal and subsequent loss of trust, saying that they have “undermined the trust” and they are “shocked” by these actions. He also reminds us that the GSA are public servants, but in this particular case, it was the U.S. public who was served a big ol’ gut-punch at a time when soldiers are at war, people are jobless, and America is suffering.

I still love my country, but you have made me so ashamed of you, GSA.

In a Washington Post piece from 2009 Mr. Tangherlini was quoted as saying: “The key to being successful in any management position is realizing that it’s not you who has to be successful; it’s really the organization that has to be.”

Mr. Tangherlini, your organization has proven itself shamefully unsuccessful. I sincerely hope that you do everything in your power to rectify this situation, including requiring each and every individual who is responsible for wasting our hard-earned tax dollars paying it all back, cent by cent. Especially this guy, Hank Terlaje, who has the nerve to not only sing about all of this but POST IT ON YOUTUBE. Good thing he’s got a good voice, because he’s clearly not very bright.

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Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder & CEO of RichmondMom.com and author of Richmond Rocks ,a history book for kids. She has three children and a cup that overfloweth. She is truly appreciative of the 100,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to fulfill her dream of having a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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