In Loving Memory of My Mom

My Mom

My Mom

My Mom…

Ignored the housework,

Had routine laundry mishaps,

Loved Impressionist paintings,

Designed her own clothes,

Grew organic vegetables long before anyone cared about “organic”,

Played the accordion to lull the dog to sleep,

Was a nervous driver,

Struggled with basic math,

Had me call her by her first name instead of “Mom”,

Once walked right into a sliding glass door,

Took me to Mel Brooks movies,

Read Isaac Asimov,

Made me talk to the house plants because it was good for them,

Had trouble figuring out small kitchen appliances,

Always fed me a large slice of cake before bedtime,

Could not think straight without coffee,

Refinished an old piano,

Sewed drapes,

Never quite got the joke but laughed really hard for an entirely different reason,

Thought mayonnaise was a salad dressing,

Said my wedding veil would probably look really interesting under black light,

Had a Master’s Degree,

Was a really special person.


A professional “trailing spouse” and mother of two, Suzanne has lived in several different countries. Her fifth corporate relocation (yes count ‘em, five!) brought her family to Richmond VA in the summer of 2011, and she is really excited about exploring all of the possibilities that Richmond has to offer! Also, she in not moving again. Really. She means it!

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