Join Let’s Talk Public Health’s Photo Voice and Get Starbucks, iTunes or Wal-Mart Gift Cards


Tyler Litsch is the coordinator of a new public health multimedia campaign for Virginia youth (10-18 years) called the Commonwealth Photo Voice Project. This campaign is sponsored by the HRSA-funded Commonwealth Public Health Training Center. It includes the following partners:

  • Virginia Tech
  • George Mason University
  • The University of Virginia
  • Old Dominion University

Photo Voice is an opportunity for youth across Virginia to take a picture or make a video that captures public health in their local communities. This is an exciting project for our youth.

Photo Voice Goals

  • To understand what Virginia youth know about public health.
  • To explore the unique public health issues in Virginia communities.
  • To encourage Virginia teenagers to consider why public health matters.

What is Photo Voice?


Photo Voice is an opportunity for Virginia youth between 10 and 18 years of age to share what they know about public health. This project is a chance for Virginia teenagers to open peoples’ eyes and minds to public health issues, challenges, and experiences that matter to them. All participants should answer one or more of the following questions with their entry:

      • What is public health?
      • Where is public health in my community?
      • What is a public health professional?


To learn more about Photo Voice or to register, please visit their website.  ALL youth participants will also receive a FREE $10 gift card to Starbucks, iTunes, or Wal-mart to make it even more exciting and fun.

Parents Welcome Too

In addition to the Photo Voice Project, the Commonwealth Public Health Training Center is also engaging PARENTS of youth (10-18 years) in public health dialogue with a parents of youth survey. ALL parent participants will also receive a FREE $10 gift card to Starbucks, iTunes, or Wal-Mart so click and complete the survey now.

Thanks to Tyler and others for bringing this valuable resource to the attention of our parents and kids. It’s one more way to keep kids engaged and teach them the value of public health and more about helping others.

Email Photo Voice with questions or comments.



Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters who are both married and have children of their own. That makes her the grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare as Vice President of Operations managing national delivery of prenatal and child development, chronic disease management, 24 hour nurse triage, and weight management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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