Are You Ready for Halloween Chocommotion Yet?

Halloween is just weeks away and the Halloween fun has already begun. Stores are stock-piled with candy of every type and before long, lots of kids will be ‘sugared up’. But there’s more to think about when it comes to Halloween.

The Kid Dictionary offers The Kid Dictionary Hilarious Words To Describe the Indescribable Things Kids Do pertaining to Halloween. At The Kid Dictionary, that’s what they do! Check our their vocabulary words here.

Sweeten your vocabulary with these Halloween Words
(re-MAZ-kew-layt) v :
The act of changing your mind about what you want to be for Halloween numerous times during the month of October.
(FUDD-jet) v.:
To manage the consumption of one’s Halloween candy in such a manner that it lasts the entire year.
(CAND-fill) n.:
A stockpile of hidden candy wrappers or other evidence of unauthorized sweets consumption.
(TREET-chur-ee) adj.:
The difficulty a child experiences getting around in an unwieldy Halloween costume.
(chock-CO-mo-shun) n.:
The general state of turmoil and unrest brought on by hordes of children wired on Halloween candy.
(COSS-toom-pay-ted) adj.:
Feeling the ill effects of too much Halloween candy
(con-FECK-tore-ate) v.:
To dump one’s Halloween candy out on the floor in order to count it, organize it and marvel at it.
(SKITT-uhL-SNICK-uhr-teer-zee-way) n :
The fragrance inside your kid’s Trick or Treat bag three weeks into November.
About The Kid Dictionary Author
Eric Ruhalter is the author of  The Kid Dictionary Hilarious Words To Describe the Indescribable Things Kids Do ,The gift book to give parents a much-needed laugh and a true understanding that all of us parents are in this together.
Eric Ruhalter -


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