Mark Smith Challenges Richmond Moms: Help Feed Hungry Children Locally


Mark Smith delivers food for hungry kids!

Mark Smith of Midas of Richmond says, “I had the pleasure of delivering backpacks of food to Westview Elementary earlier today. Westview is a great place to take the backpacks – the faculty and staff always make time to chat, the kids have big smiles and bright eyes – and, man, do the faces light up when they see me carrying the backpacks in.”

This program feeds these hungry kids all weekend long. There are 16 single serve, self-serve nutritious meals and snacks in each of these bags that fight chronic hunger.  Each back pack costs just $10 to deliver – so the 40 back packs represent a $400 investment in fighting hunger.

“This gets me thinking – what would you think about signing on to WWW.FEEDMORE.ORG right now, and making  a $400 donation – you will feed this every child in this school who is in this program for an entire weekend!   $400 is a lot of money – I get that, how about signing on, and donating what you can?  Write ‘Let’s feed more kids’ in the comment box, so we can track this,” challenges Mark.

This is a real program that feeds over 2,000 kids in 50+ schools all over Central VA. Let’s accept Mark Smith’s challenge and take action to fight hunger for these kids. Whether you can give $400, or $10, every dollar helps helps! Click over to FeedMore to learn more and donate now while you’re thinking about it. A hungry child will appreciate your actions!

Don’t forget to put ‘Let’s feed more kids’  (and let them know that you heard about it on too) in the comments when you donate.




Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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