New Children’s Museum rocks. We are lucky to live in Richmond.

by Kate Hall, Founder image

After visiting and reviewing the new West-End Children’s Museum today, I thought, you know what? Richmond is an amazing city in which to bring our kid up.

My mom went with us, and we remarked about how much kids have now–especially here. Not only the Children’s Museum but the Science Museum, Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens. . .the list is inexaustible. Do you feel like you are able to take advantage of everything Richmond has to offer?

What are yor favorites places to visit? Weigh in and tell us!

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About Kate Hall
Kate Hall is the CEO of and author of Richmond Rocks, a history book for kids. She has three children and a cup that overfloweth. She's really appreciative of the 80,000 + individuals that visit this site every year for helping to fulfill her dream of having a cool site for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share.