What I really wish for you this Christmas, my child.

by  Kate Willoughby Hall, CEO of Richmondmom.com, Richmond Mom-of-three and occasional Santa, who is struggling with the “wants” and “needs” this season.

The stockings are hung by the chimney fireplace with care, the wish lists are growing by the mile. What I wish for you my children are a few gifts that will last for a long while.

While a DSi may entertain you with lights & sounds for a while, a healthy dose of patience in life will help you in struggle to maintain a smile.

A Wii game will make you laugh and entertain you for a spot, but the gift of compassion is the one that I’ve sought.

A doll for my little girl will teach you to love,  like I have for you since you were a wee little baby. Learning to sacrifice for others is a skill that you will nurture when you are a grown lady.

When our Christmas tree is stacked with gifts, other children may have more, but remember that appreciation is a trait your parents adore.

There are children out there who want nothing more than parents who care, and I pray that reassurance is what we’ve given you; you know that we’ll always be there.

Comfort is one gift that doesn’t come in a box with a bow, it’s a feeling we’ve given you so warmth and caring you’ll always know.

To all of you a box of confidence I hope you’ll unwrap, so whenever you find troubles you’ll solve problems in a snap.

When others have less it’s generosity I pray you’ll find. There are always more “things” to want but none better than to be kind.

When Christmas Day is done and the packages are thrown astray, I wish nothing more than this great big world wide open for you someday.

Please know that it’s not Santa or presents or Rudolph that define this Christmas and ones in the past; it’s the love and the spirit and the coversations we share that will last.

If there’s one gift you’ll remember that I’ve given you, it’s the gift of a kind human spirit in everything you’ll ever do.

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About Kate Hall
Kate Hall is the CEO of RichmondMom.com and author of Richmond Rocks, a history book for kids. She has three children and a cup that overfloweth. She's really appreciative of the 80,000 + individuals that visit this site every year for helping to fulfill her dream of having a cool site for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share.