2in. x 2in.

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.” – Brené Brown

Kate has mentioned our Nashville trip to Blissdom.  This was the first blogger conference for both of us and we were not sure what to expect.  For me the whole trip was worth every penny in the first 30 minutes.

Brené Brown, was the opening keynote speaker, and she not only spoke to me about things I think about often, but she spoke to me instead of at me.  And Brené understood.  She understood my blinding hurt/LOVE that I have for my children and the desire to juggle Mom and Kate as if it is easy.  And then she asked us to take a piece of paper, no more than 2 inches x 2 inches and write down the name of the people whose names REALLY matter to each of us.  That was easy.  And it didn’t even take the whole square.

I know this paper is not 2x2 but you get the point.

I’ll be 35 this year.  I’ve been home with my kids for almost 9 years.  My husband is gone a lot working to support our family.  It seems everyday is a race to the finish and when we get to the finish we aren’t always sure what the race was about.

I personally am trying to figure out what path I’m on.  I’m not where I thought I would be at this age.  And in all honesty I’m OK with that.  But I also don’t know where I’m going or what I’m doing and that scares me.  I like to have a plan.  I like to know what I’m doing.  I like to eliminate surprises.  And most of all I like to be prepared so that I don’t make mistakes.

So the one thing I didn’t do I corrected.  I took the first step and put myself on that square.

You can find out more about Brené Brown and her books HERE.  <—  GO!!!
Twitter:  @BreneBrown

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About Kate Semp
Kate Semp is a SAHM of 5 with a passion for travelling, cooking, technology and living life BIG. After graduating from William & Mary she did a stint in West Africa with the Peace Corps and teaching High School Biology. Trading in her passport for a wedding ring Kate moved to Richmond in 2001.