My Friend is Having a Double Mastectomy

HCA Spirit of Women Network offers 9 convenient locations for mammograms in the Richmond area.

My friend was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She is having a double mastectomy. She is devastated. Her life is changed forever.

But did it have to be this bad? Maybe not.

My friend has not had a mammogram in more than 7 years. She is in her mid-50s, which is a time when mammograms become even more important than ever.

But she doesn’t like to have them.

After all, who enjoys getting unclothed in front of a stranger, having her breasts squished, prodded, and smashed into a cold metal device, and being exposed to a moment of painful pressure on each breast?

But, mammograms are ways for early detection of breast cancer and they often result in much less invasive and less intensive procedures when problems are caught early.

Is avoiding a few minutes of discomfort and embarrassment worth risking a double mastectomy?


If you are due for a mammogram, please don’t put it off. Schedule an appointment now.Whether you are a mother, grandmother, or single woman, mammograms save lives!

The HCA Virginia Breast Care Network has nine convenient locations that make it quick and easy to get an appointment for a mammogram. With today’s technology, mammograms are quicker, easier, and less uncomfortable than ever before.

The caring and compassionate staff at HCA create a comfortable environment for women of all ages. Screening results are available within 24 hours.

During my annual mammogram this year, I noticed how much easier and quicker it was than ever before to get this simple test. The HCA technologist provided me with a plush, warm robe just out of the warmer to make me comfortable. She was keenly aware of the minimal discomfort of the procedure, the anxiety of doing it, and the embarrassment of disrobing — and she made it easier to go through the procedure because she understood what it was like. It was over very quickly and I felt good about doing something for myself.

Just like HCA says, “Every once in a while, you need to put yourself first.”

Please take time to schedule your mammogram and take care of yourself. It’s time that may just save your life.

Visit the HCA Spirit of Women Network for more information. Also, visit the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Prevention website for information.

About RhondaDay
Rhonda Day is a wife, mother and grandmother. She has two daughters, a son-in-law and three precious grandchildren -- Emma, Connor and Lily. Rhonda is a full-time freelance writer. In addition to, she also writes for the Examiner Richmond Grandparenting website ( and many other national websites. You can reach her at


  1. Mammograms aren't a spa treatment, but name a spa treatment that can literally save your life.

    I had 15 annuals before I won the booby prize – I was patient zero in my family, so no family history is NOT a get-out-of-the-mammo-suite-free card.

    The biggest risk factors for breast cancer are (1) being female and (2) getting older. So get your mammogram. Early detection can save your body image, and your life.

    And let's work on early detection for other cancers, particularly lung cancer, which is now killing more women than breast cancer. Early detection means survival.

    • Rhonda says:

      Thank you Casey. And you are right about lung cancer. I have a friend fighting a battle with lung cancer right now. Women need to know that taking time to take care of themselves, is also taking time to take care of their families!

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