Richmond mom Patience Salgado recognized in O Magazine

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We’ve thought for a long time that Richmond mom and “Kindness Girl” Patience Salgado is an amazing person with her acts of kindness both online and in-person through her site,

In fact, we recognized her as a Rockstar in 2009. We knew her Guerilla Goodness acts of kindness were way too cool to keep to ourselves.

Now, Oprah Magazine is recognizing her for her good works, and we couldn’t be prouder. Read about this amazing experience on Patience’s site.

Congrats, Patience and thank you for inspiring us to be a bit kinder every day.

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About Kate Hall
Kate Hall is the CEO of and author of Richmond Rocks, a history book for kids. She has three children and a cup that overfloweth. She's really appreciative of the 80,000 + individuals that visit this site every year for helping to fulfill her dream of having a cool site for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share.