Vintage Couture Offers Fantastic Fashions and More

Vintage Couture is a brand-new Richmond home-based business, and after checking out these adorable outfits, it’s clear why Michelle Bornick is so excited to share this company with all of us. These are unique clothes you won’t find just anywhere – style and quality are tops!

In a recent conversation with Michelle, we learned more about her November specials:

1. Love Candy Cane Kisses and Silver Bells are all buy one, get one FREE for a limited time. Contact Michelle at Vintage Couture by November 30, 2011 to take advantage of these fantastic specials!

2.  Earn up to $15 in Extra Hostess Credit in November too (depends on total Trunk Show sales in addition to normal hostess rewards.) It’s a great way to use your credits to get great clothes for the holidays, as gifts, or just for fun.

3.  Choose two doll dresses from the Fall/Holiday or Winter collections and choose a third doll dress from the retired collection for FREE! Great holiday gift ideas!

These specials are only available during November. But if you’re already over-booked already, and are looking to December, watch for more great specials and incentives because Vintage Couture always has something fantastic to offer. Whether you’re just shopping, or you want to hold your very own Trunk Show, it’s the perfect way to dress your child beautifully any time of year.


They offer adorable clothing for mom and kids that you won’t find in stores.

Michelle is the mom behind Richmond's first Vintage Couture home-party line

Want to host a party yourself? Contact Michelle for more details, she’s the first Vintage Couture rep in the Richmond area. AND, she’s offering the specials below-don’t miss ‘em:


1) Michelle is offering a free outfit for anyone who gets 25 friends and family to “like” her Vintage Couture facebook page first. When a new person likes the page, they must type in the person who sent them to the page.

2) 25% off any additional outfit for those who book a trunk show in November.

“This company is quite generous with hostess gifts, so the combination of our specials really makes hosting a trunk show worth it,” says Michelle.

Congrats on your new business, Michelle, we can’t wait to dress up our Richmond kids!

Vintage Couture is an advertiser of


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About Kate Hall
Kate Hall is the Founder & CEO of and author of Richmond Rocks ,a history book for kids. She has three children and a cup that overfloweth. She's really appreciative of the 90,000 + readers that visit this site every year for helping to fulfill her dream of having a cool site for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share.