April Rockstar 2012: Donna Everage

Donna Everage (left) is our April Rockstar 2012!

Congratulations to Donna Everage, our April 2012 Rockstar!

Thanks to Jenny High for providing us with this nomination. Donna is definitely a Richmondmom.com Rockstar!

Here’s what Jenny had to say about Donna:


“Donna Everage uses her personal time to volunteer at Hermitage High School, is co-founder of Your Inner View Inc. which is a non-profit organization for Women and Children in transition, and she is co-chair of Prom Bring It — a benefit for the male and female students of Henrico County who would like to attend their prom but who do not have the means or resources to do so, amongst other things. She not only helped sponsor the event, but was able to recruit various donors to support our endeavor.

She works 10 hour work days, however commits her time to church and volunteering efforts to support the community too. She has been a foster parent and helps women facing employment challenges with preparing for the workforce via resume restructuring and image consulting.

She supports me no matter what my mission is. I can always count on her. Although she has no children of her own, she is a mother to many. She volunteers at the local schools and helps all in need with no expectations. She is very spiritual and fights for the underdog. She has been my best friend for over 20 years and the Godmother to both of my children. She is a friend, a sister, and a confidant. She is an exceptional Woman and Human Being!

She is a Rockstar because even when she is having a rough time herself, she still gives unselfishly. She always puts others before herself.”

Congratulations Donna – you’ll receive a gift certificate for a FREE massage at Massage Envy. You rock!

Massage Envy is an advertiser on Richmondmom.com



Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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