Voting for Desserts and Mascots: Primrose Schools Teach Kids About Elections

Primrose Pre-Kindergarten student, Erin casts her vote at the Primrose Polling Place.

Adults weren’t the only ones voting this week. Plenty of Richmond area kids were voting too! Primrose Schools taught the kids about elections and had them participate in an event.

Primrose School at Westerre Commons 

With official votor registration cards in hand, Pre-Kindergarten students in Henrico County filled the Primrose Polling Place ready to cast their vote for something that is very important to them:

  • Which special dessert will be served for the school’s upcoming Monthly Birthday Celebration?

There was support on both sides, and it was clearly a close race. However – in the end, the vanilla ice cream with blueberries and strawberries was the winner! Children will be reminded that their votes counted as they enjoy their special red, white and blue snack next week.

Manuel Alvarez, Jr. Reading to The PK class.

Prior to casting their votes, the students gathered together to learn about the voting process, and listen to the children’s book, Duck for President, read by their special guest, Manuel Alvarez Jr., Goochland County Board of Supervisors.

Primrose School at Westerre Commons, along with Primrose schools across the country, created this election event to help teach young children about civic responsibility and the presidential election.


Primrose Atlee Commons

Secretary of Administration, Lisa Hick-Thomas, reads Duck for President to 3and 4 year old students from the Primrose School of Atlee Commons

The Primrose School of Atlee Commons welcomed Mrs. Lisa Hicks-Thomas, Secretary of Administration from Governor McDonnell’s cabinet, on Friday, November 2nd.

Mrs. Hicks-Thomas read the book Duck for President to the 3 and 4 year old Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten classes, and discussed the importance of voting and being a good citizen.

The children also heard a short debate between two candidates running for class mascot, Billy the Duck and Percy the Rooster. On Tuesday, November 6th, Primrose School of

Thomas Layne: Pre- Kindergarten student, leads students, teachers, and special guest in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Atlee Commons held a mock election where children voted to elect their class mascot, learning even more about civic responsibility and the voting process.

Congratulations to the students and kudos to the incredible work of the educators at Primrose Schools for teaching kids about the election process. Kids who learn about this at a young age will surely be better prepared when it comes to the ‘real thing’ as adults!

Primrose is teaching kids today to become leaders of the future.

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Rhonda is the mother of two adult daughters and a grandmother to five wonderful grandchildren – and our only grandmother on staff. She spent 25 years in corporate healthcare managing prenatal and disease management programs. She is the Content Manager for Richmondmom and contributes her expertise as both a mom and grandmother – while sorting out the many opportunities for our valuable advertisers.

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