Keep Watching for the Great Dad ‘09 Winner

THANK YOU to all of you for nominating and voting for such GREAT RICHMOND DADS! We’re counting the votes now and will announce the winner soon. Keep checking back for details! Art 180 benefitted from this great contest, and thanks to all of our great sponsors for donating such amazing prizes.


Alan Phillips

Hi, I want to nominate Alan Phillips. He is a great dad and has 250 kids! Yes, that’s right, he’s the children’s pastor at Richmond Community Church and cares for, leads and encourages 250 kids every weekend. He also has 3 kids at home. –Rebecca Phillips

Andrew Hite

Not only is Andrew an awesome dad to our 18 month old daughter, he’s an awesome stepfather to our 5 year old son. He is patient, playful, and my savior because even after we’ve had a super hard day at work, he keeps the kids occupied so I can attend school and finish my degree. –Bonnie Hite

Anson M. Owen

Patient, loving, kind, caring, spiritual, fun, and more! That is how I describe my Anson. He does not have any children of his own, but he has taken on the role of DAD to OUR two daughters, as he always says. He calls them Princess and Angel. He does homework, goes on field trips, makes sure that GOD is first in their lives. –Treina Anderson

Axel Perez

I would like to nominate my husband, Axel Perez, for the Great Richmond Dad contest because he is a terrific father to our 6 year old daughter, Bailey. He finds time everyday to play with Bailey, help her with her homework, read with her and cook dinner for the family. He and Bailey share a love for music and have a wonderful father-daughter bond. –Hannah Perez

Barton Zedd

My husband is a great dad to our three boys; Jacob, Michael and Eliot because he takes time to spend with them. He is teaching them to play golf and loves to throw the full ball with them. But, he is greatest because he loves them so much and is always looking out for their best interests. –Dana Zedd

Bill Gardner

Bill Gardner comes home from managing several employees at the end of the day and nothing matters but his children. Williams Tball games and Amelia;s Dance Lessons are way more important to him than any other distraction. He is a provider going to work every day and still holds them dearest to his heart, along with his wife, no matter what. –Ashley Butler

Bob Palkovics

Bob is a cop for Henrico and he works loads of overtime so that I can home-school our 3 kids ages 12 yr, 10 yr, and 21 mo. He works tirelessly every AM with our autistic son and even cleans house including toilets! Now that is a great Dad! –Michaelle Palkovics

Brian Nalder

Brian is the most amazingly wonderful single dad in the world. Always puts his little girls needs ahead of his own and even though its hard for him at time he always makes sure that they are taken care of. He would be the best Great Richmond Dad!!! And so deserving of a stay at great wolf lodge! –Bonny Boulton

Bruce J. Webb

Handsome Hardworking Daddy Bestfriend Special Awesome Funny joker Golfer Loves family never gives up good at everything can fix anything caring thoughtful loving loves to watch Scifi Makes Homemade Pizza Loves Music Loves Friends but most of all he loves his family and his Sugarbutton-thats his daughter Kimberly –Tammy Foster

Bryan Egan

Bryan teaches his kids dedication through his work and home life. He loves to play with his kids and watch them grow. He embraces the time he has with his kids by teaching them anything and everything he can(gardening, building, fishing, playing musical instruments….) What makes him most happy is when his kids are happy and knowing he did that. –Melissa Egan

Bryan Lemon

He’s the ying to my crazy yang and the reason for my two beautiful daughters, who’ve captured all his amazing qualities in a pint size package. Despite never getting to share the spotlight with the Lemon women, he still manages to charm the crowd with his modest wit and intelligence. He was born to be a Dad and I’m lucky to be his partner. –Jill Lemon

Carey Hines

Carey is a great,first time dad. He works hard everyday but always fulfills his duty as a dad. He loves his daughter and think it not robbery to play with her her daily. In addition, he helps mom with baby chores. –Naomi Hines

Chad Porterfield

After he lost his leg in 2004, he has been a full time student and stay at home father to Hunter 5, Bailey 3 & Reaghan 3 months. He completed his Associates Magna Cum Laude but is still going. His constant drive & determination keep our family motivated. He’s a playful & intelligent role model to our children. We are so lucky & blessed to have him. –Erin Porterfield

Charles Wayland

My Dad lost his job and found a new job even in this economy (he is a hard worker). He always makes time for us kids. He helps coach our baseball teams and warms up my sister for her tennis matches. He also walks our dog and nursed him back to health. My Dad’s Dad died in Sept. He has had a hard year but he never quits. –Charlie c/o Alison (Mom) Wayland

Chris Hamilton

Amazing Stay At Home Dad of 4 children, ages 8, 6, 2 and a 6 month old born with multiple birth defects. Patient, kind, selfless, never complains, volunteers for everything! Never asks for anything for himself. Cooks, cleans and is up at the crack of dawn. He is my soul mate and my children are the luckiest kids in the world. He deserves a break!! –Laura Hamilton

Christian Walter

There is a father named Christian, he is a great dad indeed. Many on the earth loved him, but nobody quite like his girl Elizabeth, the Queen. He gave up his career to be a stay-at-home-dad and help her grow, he runs a better household than most others we know. Integrity, character, and smarts are just a few reasons you should make him your mark! –Evelyn Walter

Chuck Boswell

Chuck is the greatest dad because he is a big kid. He loves to be with his kids playing. He loves to play dinosaur with his preschool son, help his daughter with magic tricks and playing spy, and be a snuggle bunny for his 1 month old son. –Amanda Boswell

Corey Edmonds

He’s not afraid to drive 75 miles to strap his two-year-old to his back and climb a mountaintop — just to eat peanut-butter-and-jelly with a view. Because, upon arriving home, he whisks his new baby into his arms and says, “It’ll be your turn soon.” –Jill Edmonds

Daniel Jennings

My Dad is the BEST! He works hard to make money so we have a house, food, a dog, and a yard to play outside. We get to go to New Bridge Academy. He picks us up and takes us for ice cream. My Dad looks like my brother and me. We cut our hair short and people say we are triplets. I love my Dad. When I grow up I want to be a Dad like him. Dylan Jennings

Danny Muterspaugh

My husband Danny is his 3 kids’ best friend & a great dad to my 12 y/o old son. He works hard all week & comes home at night & takes care of the kids. He helps with homework, dishes, laundry, takes them to football and cheer practice & to school events. Even though they are almost as big as him you can often find one on his lap every evening. Stephenia Muterspaugh

David Masucci

Devoted Dad Dave traveled to China in 2006 to adopt our infant daughter and now acts as Chief Equipment Manager, Chauffeur, Cook, Teacher Helper, and Boo Boo Fixer. Dave is a true partner in parenting our daughter, Lily the Empress. Dave has even endured a second round of paperwork and is impatiently waiting to adopt our second Chinese daughter! –Lisa Van Riper

Devon McKenzie

Spends time with all his kids,carry his kids on adventures, has that bond with them that his kids know when I’m with daddy everything is OK.hes always attending any and every event that his kids have,will put his self last for them,something you rarely get from a man.hes just an incredible,awesome,loving dedicated father any child will want to have. –Latrice Coleman

Eric Director

Eric is a strong, brave, amazing Dad to Ben (4 years old) and Parker (6 months old). For the past 2 months Eric has been a single dad to either Ben or both of our sons, due to Parker and I’s medical complications. He did not make one complaint. He just knew what he had to do and he did it for his family. Our boys are proud to call him Daddy.–Mindy Director

Erik Spencer

My husband Erik is a wonderful father. We have 4 kids ages 9, 3, 2 and 3 weeks. A typical day for him consists of: taking our oldest daughter to school, going to work for 8 hours, picking our daughter up from school, coming home and helping me with our other 3 kids, preparing dinner, giving the kids a bath, and putting them to bed. –Amanda Spencer

Eric Thornton

Eric is a great dad even though he didn’t have one growing up. He feeds his 2 kids breakfast every morning, gets them on the bus, runs them to baseball, football and gymnastics practice. He’s even a Girl Scout so he can help out with his daughter’s troop! He’s fair, kind, loving, affectionate, and patient. –Jeri Thornton

Frank (Trae) Nause

My husband,Trae,is great! I don’t know how I would have made it this far as a mother without such a great partner. We have 3 beautiful boys and are expecting our fourth child in October. Trae works 24 hour shifts then comes home and takes the boys for “”Daddy & Boys Day Out”" so I can get rest/quiet for awhile. He’s my rock and he’s never failed. –Beverly Nause

Heath Henshaw

As a custom home builder in this down market, my husband unfortunately has had a lot of free time and stays home part-time with our daughter giving her valuable “daddy” time at Princess Class (he wears a tiara well), gymnastics or even letting her “help” with yardwork. He’s GREAT! –Kristin Henshaw

Howard Jones

I love my dad! He is so awesome! He’s the most hardworking man I know. He works hard for his family. Provides for us in every way, spiritually, physically, and mentally. He’s very calm and cool! I’m so privileged to have a father like him around, if I didn’t I don’t know where I would be. –Erica Jones

Jack Pustilnik

Jack is an amazing role model for our 2 daughters. 6 months ago, he suffered a heart attack in the midst of training for his 4th marathon. During his rehab, he still managed to be as involved with the girls as he always was. He plans to run the marathon this year as a way to show his girls they can overcome adversities and accomplish their goals. –Rachel Pustilnik

Jack Pustilnik’s a great Dad to his daughters Morgan & Olivia married a great Mom, Rachel. Through Jack’s support of his family, many Richmond area families have benefitted from his support. He had a major medical crisis of his own. Richmond would be a healthier place if more Dads were as optimistic & dedicated as Jack is to all who know him. –Angie & Steve Berman

Jack S. Jones

My father is the best Richmond dad. With 3 daughters, he’s had to live in a girls’ dorm, but he put up with our girliness (even letting us paint his toes)! Despite a busy schedule, he drove us to activities growing up, cheered for us, and told us to reach for the moon. As he’s about to become a grandpa,he should receive credit for all he’s done! –Allison Jones

James E. Edwards, Jr.

GREAT LOVING DAD!! Provides an exceptionally loving and supportive environment for this all girl family! Mom travels frequently, he steps right in. This dad does laundry, hair, vacuum’s, chauffeurs, helps with homework, coaches, listens to the girl fights and still manages to be “FUN DAD” in the midst of all of this. HE IS AN AMAZING FATHER!! –Beverly Jones-Edwards

Jay Evans

Jay, a “Daddy” to four is SPECTACULAR but he can be described a little more….he’s a provider, caring, empathetic, FUNNY, knowledgeable, encouraging, non-judgemental, creative, curious, spontaneous, spiritual, fair and most of all he is loving! He is the hub of our wheel! –Rebecca Evans

Jay Utz

Jay always puts the needs of his family before himself. He works two jobs to make sure our needs are met and never complains. He does things that he knows will make us happy. Plus, he cooks dinner for us every night! He is a man of true faith and conviction. Without hesitation, Jay is the finest man I have ever had the honor to know–and to love. –Rosemary Utz

Jerry N. Carter

My dad is older than most but really compassionate . He has so much empathy for me as I go through my teenage years even though he hardly remembers being a teenager. I like how I can talk to him about anything. He never judges me or makes fun of me. –Grayson Carter

Jim Madison

He is a fabulous dad! He loves and takes care of us. Date night once a week is great for the 1:1 time. When we need a big hug w/lots of laughter, there is Dad. We play volleyball, tennis, and laugh, oh how we laugh. His work loves him, his friends love him, but most of all WE love him. Please vote for our dad he loves us no matter what!! –Shelby and Lindsey Madison

Jimmy Hyman

Jimmy Hyman – best person in the world and GREATEST Dad in Virginia. Jimmy takes an interest in everything his boys do: tennis, BMX biking, Indian Guides, firefighting and more. Jimmy was born and raised in Virginia and has instilled the values of the true southern gentleman into his own kids with extra love thrown in. We are so lucky to have him! –Laureen Hyman

Jimmy Myers Jr.

I work and have my own business which doesn’t leave much time for housework and taking care of our daughter but Jimmy has come to our rescue. He cooks, cleans and does the laundry and still works full time. He has even started to give me pointers. I know, I can’t believe it. He is a GREAT dad for stepping in, even when I didn’t ask. Thanks Jimmy! –Shafonne Myers

John “Tim” Creech

This is my step dad. My real dad died when I was 2. He moved in and my mom and him got married, and he treated us like his kids. I have Muscular Dystrophy and a heart disease. He has not changed his feelings for me and helps my mom with me and my brothers so she can work and go to school at night. I love him and he will always be my Daddy-Tim. –Rebecca Denius

John Beale

My husband’s mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She is also the caretaker of our 2 boys; Jackson(5)and Peyton(2).Since she has been recovering from surgery and preparing for chemo and radiation my super-dad husband has been taking off of work and playing Mr. Mom! Laundry, cleaning, playtime with the kids, and every little detail. –Jessica Beale

John Evans

John’s a wonderful dad who takes an active interest in his kids lives. He’s very supportive and a excellent role model. John is a Mr. Mom! He helps with homework,school projects,visits the schools frequently and eats lunch with all the kids at least once a month and coaches their teams. He has a great bond with them and they are his first priority! –LaTonya Evans

John Haddad

John Haddad is my husband, and not only is he a great husband, he is a great wife! Besides all of the work he does around the house and being a busy executive, he is the best papa I can imagine. He loves spending time with our 2 boys and takes them on all sorts of adventures, trying to give them the ideal childhood. He rocks! –Susannah Raine-Haddad

John Owens

My dad is a great guy.Anyone can trust him.If you are hurt he will be there in a rush and you will be better in no time.He loves sweets to death but he still tries to watch his weight so he can be with my mom and I forever.I love this man so very much as well as my mom.He might yell at times but he gets over it easily. Ashlee Vosper

John Winter

We live in Glen Allen and John commutes to Chesapeake for work four days a week. He leaves at 5 am and gets home at 8 pm, but he still makes time to play with our 1 year old daughter every night. He feeds her dinner, gives her a bath, and helps put her to bed, and then takes the time to clean up the kitchen and pack lunches before going to bed. –Melissa Winter

Jonny Cecka

Jonny Cecka has been a foster dad and is now an adoptive father and a stepfather to his two sons. He is an active, involved dad – from the PTA to family dinners, he is always thinking about how to teach his boys independence and responsibility. As an elementary school teacher, he mentors the students in his school. Hats off to Jonny! –Rebekah Goemaat

Keith McCann

He bathes them, he dresses them, he feeds them, he gets them back and forth to school – he even does their hair – and he has a full time job. This man needs a vacation! He is an amazing father to 3 year old Catharine and 1 year old Lauren. I am lucky to have Keith as my husband and father to our girls. He amazes me every day! I love you, Keith! –Anne McCann

Kile Niklawski

As a young father, Kile has become a role model for fathers everywhere. I’ve never encountered someone more dedicated to his family and children! He is a teacher and a chef and a doctor and a hero to his one year old daughter. –Ashley Niklawski

Kirk M. Karbonit

My husband is hands down the is the BEST…”Greatest Richmond Dad”! He gives 110% and the kids just adore him!! Any activity he plans for the kids are action packed with non-stop, fun-filled, lots of laughs, tickling and oodles of love!! The “Great Richmond Dad” is bar none my husband!! It’s measured by the “smiles” across our kids faces!! –Leslie Karbonit

Lee Mayo

Lee is an amazing father because he can be pooped on, spit up on, food splattered on, and still have a smile on his face because he LOVES his kids! He’d use the shirt off his back as a diaper and his sleeve as a snot rag and napkin! He does all this and more and has only asked to play golf a few times!! ;) –Beth Mayo

Luke Floyd

My father was placed in an orphanage when he 3 months old. He was not adopted until he was 15. The people that finally adopted him abandoned him too. Having grown up with no love and support, he is the most loving and supportive man alive. He is a devoted husband and father of three who is cool and hip with his grandchildren. Please pick him! –Rebecca Floyd

Mark Evans (2 nominations)

Mark is truly a wonderful father. He has had to serve as both “Mommy and Daddy” over the past eight years and has never complained. He takes his role as Daddy very seriously, treasuring his God-given responsibility unlike anyone I know, all while having fun, just like a big kid! –Kelly Evans

Our dad ROCKS! He takes the time to put big Lego projects together with me (Noah) and isn’t “too boyish” to have a tea party with me (Gracie)! He also takes the time to teach other kids at our church about Creation, which is really interesting and important stuff! –Noah & Gracie Evans

Matt Bowles

When I met my husband, Matt, I had three little adorable boys ages 1, 2, and 3! Matt never hesitated; fell head over heels for them, then me! The boys are now 14, 15 and 16 and they love, admire and adore him as their dad! Matt is a phenomenal dad to our daughter as well, he is the example of what a true dad is like! –Tina Marie Bowles

McKinley Tucker, Jr.

Great dad I adore. Friend to me and so much more He deserves to win for sure. My dad is PHENOMENAL. He raised me since I was 4, passing up watching football with the guys for attending my performances & being my biggest cheerleader at games. He is a great listener and always willing to help anyone who may need it. –Ashley Tucker
Michael Ferrell (2 nominations)

Michael is a great dad because he loves his daughters. It also doesn’t hurt that he shares his in-law’s religious and political beliefs. –Carol Doucet

My husband is an inspiration to our two daughters. He lifts them up and nutures their needs daily. He is truly an awesome DAD! –Sharie Ferrell

Michael Gere

My dad is awesome. He has 4 kids and he works as much as he can to provide us with everything we could EVER need/want. He also takes care of all of our animals after working 15 hours a day. He just loves us so much and I think he deserves something good since he’s always worried about us. –Teresa

Michael Jacobson

Michael is open about the mistakes he’s made in his life (marrying and having kids too young)and his desire to give his children a better life. And despite the kids making some of the same mistakes, he still tells and shows them how proud he is of them. He’s one of the few people I know to offer that type of love. –Jennifer Jacobson

Michael Morano

Mike has been involved with both of his sons since day 1 & puts them 1st. He always changes his work schedule to take care of his boys-for a dr appt, school event, or unexpected situation. He teaches fun things like how to play sports, but also the serious stuff like making sure they understand the importance of manners & showing respect to anyone. –Jennifer Catlin

Michael Mudd

Mr. Mudd doesn’t live at Beaverdam Elementary. To a 1st grader, he’s larger than life. To a 10th grader, he’s the teacher she loved the best. To his 2 kids he’s the dad who loves to read to them, squirts whip cream in their mouths, makes a Sound of Music Movie night complete with Fredric’s blueberries as a side dish. He’s the greatest anywhere. –Megan Mudd

Mike Fitak
Mike is an Amazing Dad!! This is partly due to the fact that he doesn’t have to be. He has taken my son in as his own. I work double shifts every weekend and every weekend he takes on the role of a single parent of a two-year-old so I can work. He takes him every where and let Brayton help with home improvements with the patients of a Saint. –Susan Carr

Ned Bothe

Our dad coached soccer teams,cheered at field hockey games,sold candy bars and girl scout cookies,taught Sunday school,and countless other activities all in the name of being a Daddy. He is still our #1 fan. A month ago he drove from Richmond to Williamsburg to see his son play a soccer game,then to VA Beach to see his daughter run a half marathon. –Lindsay Bothe

Paul Spicer (4 nominations)

Dedicated, caring, fun and funny, loving and devoted! –John Kemp

Even though Paul Spicer has a very hectic work schedule, he takes the time to pick up his daughter from day care and takes her to the doctor when needed. He is always there for his daughter, no matter what. He will stop whatever he is doing to care for her, or just give her attention. He is a ‘hands on’ dad. Mention his daughter, and he smiles! –Cathy McKean

Paul was surprised at the depth of his love for Carson. Both parents work fulltime so they share the joy of taking care of her. Each day he spends special time with her and is involved in every aspect of her life. He supports her creativity and encourages her love of painting and music. She is his princess & he is enchanted. He is a great Dad. –Debra Ruh

Great individual,very unselfish, a man that understands. a great person to be around.a real family man. works very hard all the time. if he win he will definitely deserve it. –Jesse R. Evans, Jr.

Phillip Goode
Can I just say AMAZING! Phillip is the most selfless DAD I have ever met. He volunteered to stay home 4 years ago to raise our 3 boys. Raising them includes teaching them to read, write, swim, play sports, learn a new language, as well as keeping a neat and orderly home. He then works a third shift to contribute to their financial well being! Love! –Tamica Goode

Phillip Link

Volunteering his time with the local Autism 5K, coaching Alex’s (son) Challenger team, attending his son Austin’s soccer matches and keeping a positive outlook while searching for employment are just a few reasons why Phillip is a Great Richmond Dad. Phillip regularly attends meetings with the local Down Syndrome chapter helping out new families. –Eleonora Link

Raymond Earle Hevener Jr.
(3 nominations)

He works hard.especially since his dad died. He looks out for my meme. My favorite part about him is that he is a great cook. He supports us throughout everything we do.I love spending time with him when we are watching the Boston Celtics. He is the greatest i don’t know what I would do without him. –Rachael Hevener

My dad should win because he raises us in a Christian home and raises us to have manners and to be kind to other people. He provides us with everything we need. He is the best dad and should win this contest.–Courtney Hevener

It takes alot to be a hero and my father is one! not only is he a dad but he is a father to five. anyone can be a dad but not everyone can be a father and i thank him for ever thing he has done to better my life. his heart has so much love! and someone to take you in that cares means the world if anyone deserves this is my father Raymond Hevener Jr!– Kati Togger

Rick Fuller

Fathers should be role models. They should be able to balance traits such as kindness, compassion, love, patience, and honor. Children need fathers whose traits are worth imitating. There simply isn’t enough space to describe how perfectly my husband fits this model and why he is a wonderful “dadaw” (in the words of our 14 month old). –Caroline Fuller

Ricky Childress

Ricky put his career and education on hold to take care of our son. He loved his job dearly, but loves our son more. He is a wonderful stay at home dad. He devotes his time to educating our son and taking care of everything else on top of that! –Kelly Childress

Robb Stottlemyer

Robb is a fabulous father to 2 toddler sons. He willingly baths,feeds,and plays with them from 5PM until bedtime which enables his wife to run a retail store in Richmond. His love of his children radiates from him and serves as an inspiration to everyone. I feel so fortunate to be able able to nominate this very special loving father. –Carol Viall

Robby Robinson (3 Nominations)

Robby is a spectacular DAD! He does the job of five men at work, and always finds time to spend with his 21 month old son, even if it’s just swinging by for 10 min. before a meeting, or coming home for lunch. Besides that, he takes spectacular care of his wife, knowing that a happy wife creates a happy household and child. –Chara Robinson

Robby Robinson is the voice of VCU basketball and makes his 22 month old son, Riley, a priority by encouraging that Ram spirit! Robby makes sure Riley gets a taste of all the sporting events and learns the names of all the starting players! He can commentate while changing a diaper, feeding spaghetti and singing a lullaby. Gooooo Robby! –Charis Fortenberry

Robby is a great dad because his boy can already throw a curve ball… and he’s not even 2 years old yet! –Nicole Robinson

Robert (“Rusty”) Wheeler

Deacon of our church, Loving Husband who cares for our brain injured mother, Wonderful Father of 2, Grandfather of 4, provides lawn care for our widowed neighbors, goes on mission trips to help in other countries yearly, donates his building talents to help repair homes for elderly – He’s awesome!!! –Kimberley Wheeler

Robert J. Potter, III

My children aspire to be something greater in life, they learned this from their father. Robert is a man of his word and the only person I know who can accomplish anything he sets his mind to. I am grateful that I chose such a wonderful man to raise a family with! –Erika Potter

Robert Spencer

He’s a teacher for school age children at a daycare, He takes care of children that are in need of food even though they are not his biological kids and call them his own.He gives advice to these children. He has four children of his own that he’s a great dad & father to plus my daughter who he claims as his own and has been in her life since day 1 Casey Washington

Roger Reynolds (3 nominations)

Roger Reynolds is a great person and a great Dad in general. In January, his 3 year old daughter Charlotte was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. He has been so strong throughout the process. Not only has he kept strong with his business (Romp n Roll at VA Center), but he’s raised several fundraisers and events for his daughter. –Samantha Dickenson

If they made a TV show about our life, Roger would be the ultimate TV Dad: the patience & humor of Cliff Huxtable, handiness of Tim Taylor, strength and fortitude of Charles Ingalls, musical skills of Ricky Ricardo, entrepreneurship of Tom Scavo, and social responsibility of Steven Keaton. I am proud to call him my husband and Charlotte’s DAD! –Rachel Reynolds

Roger is one of the most giving and woderful dads that I know. He is facing a huge hurdle in his family right now and continues to treat all of our kids like his own every day that he teaches at Romp n’ Roll. He has an optimism we should all aspire to!! –Sara Gulosh

Ryan Laramore

Ryan is an incredible Dad with 3 wonderful children. He shows incredible love and compassion in a blended family with a 14 year old, 10 year old with Down Syndrome and a toddler. He handles all the children even with their varied ages and activities – always with a smile!! –Joanna Laramore

Scott Winger

My dad plays with me. He reads to me at night. Whenever I’m with him, I know everything will be all right. I only see him on the weekends And for a couple weeks in the summer. And when I have to leave him, It is always a bummer. Please vote for my dad So that he can win. I want to thank him For how great he’s been. –Amy Winger

Steve Berman

My Daddy is sweet & huggable. He reads me night time stories before I fall asleep. Daddy gives me piggy back rides & plays princesses with me. He eats all the foods I make in my play kitchen. Daddy taught me to ride my bike & he rides all the kiddie-rides at Busch Gardens. My Daddy is special to me because he loves me so much. I have the best Dad! –Caroline Berman

Steve Mohlie, M.D.

Steve is very focused and dedicated not only in his profession but with his children. He has always had time for them. Lauren & Ian grew up learning from, and having fun with, their dad. A busy medical practice never got in the way of the time he spent with his children, from camping in the backyard to recitals – he was there for them. –Kay Jones

Steven McKay

Steven is an awesome and fun dad! It is evident in the way he speaks to his children that he has great respect for them. He honors their interests and shares his own with his two girls. How exciting to grow up in a house filled with Dad’s comic book stuff and so much art!

Todd Tuting

I am nominating my husband as the greatest Richmond dad for making every day “dad’s day out with the kids.” He is a stay at home dad for over 5 years with our 3 boys: Logan, 5,Liam, 3, and Wyatt 17m. He left the workforce, not by default, but by choice. Bottom line, he LOVES being home with the boys even though it is the toughest job he has ever had. –Laura Vasel

Tom McCormick

This Dad’s done diaper changing without a fright, helped with feedings thru the night, helps with homework, mends a knee, has patience to teach them how to ski. Now he’s faced with the techno teens, still not sure what all of this means. New adventures he must face. He does it all within God’s grace. –Diane McCormick

Tyrell Wallace

My husband is the world greatest dad he’s so active in our baby girl’s life she was in the nicu for 1month and even though he had to go to school and work @ 4am he was still by her bedside each and everyday to see her grow; read to her feed her and love her.– Kenisha Simms

Wayne Cole

Wayne Cole should win this contest because he is the most heart warming, generous, fun loving, silly dad around. Wayne takes time from his 3 jobs to go read to Gracie’s class, visit with Landon’s friends at preschool and attend any & all events he can for the kids. Wayne is so special to everyone. He is our hero! An amazing dad w/ a big heart. –Jill Cole

William E. St.John Jr.

William (Bill) is a Dad that just keeps going. He has a 2, 1, 2yo, and twin 1yo! Bill manages to work part-time and watch his 3 youngest while his wife works midnight shift. His day is full from morning to night but he makes time for everyone! –Judith St.John

William F. Auberger Jr.

My dad is the STRONGEST man that I know. He battled (& won) tracheal cancer 10 yrs ago & had to have his voicebox removed, he now talks with a machine that he holds to his neck. Thinking cancer was behind him, he recently received news that he is now battling prostate cancer (which his father passed away from), yet he has such a positive attitude. –Jen Dodson

William Freeman

I think William Freeman should be voted as Great Richmond Dad because he is a caring and loving father. Due to a work injury he is now on disability and a stay at home dad. He plays football, basketball, and other sports with the boys. He also takes the time to take them one on one and spend time with them to make them both feel special. –Courtney Freeman

William Rozzell

I learned what love is by watching Billy with his, 6 yr old daughter MacKenzie. As a single dad things don’t always come easy. Between coordinating pickups, establishing a good relationship with Kenzies’ mom, being consistent with teaching and discipline, but most importantly loving her unconditionally and being someone she can look up to. –Evangeline Miller


Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder & CEO of and author of Richmond Rocks ,a history book for kids. She has three children and a cup that overfloweth. She is truly appreciative of the 100,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to fulfill her dream of having a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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