Since giving birth. . . the amazing journey of the last seven years

It struck me, while driving the other day, the incredible journey I’ve been on in the last seven years. To best illustrate the intricacies, difficulties, and exhilarating happiness that motherhood has brought me, a few snapshots and numbers:

Two corporate jobs, both flexible and hard-fought. Currently, one entrepeneurial job that feels like two, because I’m often working until two (a.m., that is).

Three amazing pregnancies, three c-sections, one back surgery, and currently, one healthy body. (Knock on wood).

Three children, two boys and one girl. Three incredible hooligans, one princess, two rough-housers. Make that three.

Two houses, within two miles of one another. 4 bedrooms, and both way too much to keep clean.

Three–whoops–make that four cars, all volvos. What can I say, I’m a loyal volvo nut? Several door dings, two tickets. Road trips too numerous to count.

One PMP certification, three distinct, yet complementary career paths: HR, project management, marketing/communications/pr.

One challenge to begin running. One 10K. One 5K. Over a hundred miles this year. Working on an 8K. Still a few lbs. to lose (no numbers being listed, purposefully).

Between friends: Eight divorces, at least twenty-two babies, four miscarriages, six friends trying to conceive. Tears too numerous to count. Subsequent unbridled joy, overflowing.

Twelve hundred boo-boo’s, sixteen hundred diapers, four hundred night-time feedings.

One tae kwon do membership, two soccer seasons, two up on waterskiis.

One pink slip. Countless opportunities to grow, challenge, thrive.

Thousands of hours developing, hundreds of new friends made, countless lessons learned. Thanks for reading this random rant. I’d love to read your story, too: .

Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder & CEO of and author of Richmond Rocks ,a history book for kids. She has three children and a cup that overfloweth. She is truly appreciative of the 100,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to fulfill her dream of having a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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