Richmond kid learns memory skills, soars through tests


Memory caused frustration but boy finds success and learns all of the Presidents of the United States.

We noticed Artur was having some difficulties with his homework. Anything requiring memorization caused him a lot of frustration. Studying for his weekly spelling test was particularly hard on him. He dedicated a lot of effort and time to the task (though often fidgety), but would have trouble recalling the proper spelling a short time later.

At first we thought that since he was such an active and energetic 7-year-old boy, he was simply not focusing enough. Unfortunately, he got so discouraged at times that he started to hate homework and would often comment that maybe he wasn’t that smart. As parents, we worried about his self-esteem and putting too much pressure on him.

We often spoke about the problem, but weren’t sure what to do. Then we received a flyer from the school about LearningRx. What caught our interest right away was the testing that is initially performed to identify weaknesses in the cognitive skills needed for a person to learn. We took Artur in for testing and found out he had trouble with his short-term memory skills.

The LearningRx program was a bit difficult for him in the beginning. It required a huge commitment on all our parts. Artur often commented that he always had so much to do. We decided that Sunday would be a no work day and he liked that. He eventually got used to the structured timetable that is required to properly follow the program. Then he actually started to like some of the exercises, especially when he improved his skills and went on to a higher level. Of course the Brainy Bucks helped motivate him as well! He really liked working with his trainer; she was very patient with him.

The LearningRx program helped Artur a lot. We were extremely proud when he memorized the names of all the Presidents of the United States. He readily showed off this skill to anyone that would listen. His spelling test scores have improved tremendously. Though homework still isn’t his favorite thing to do, he comes home from school and starts doing it without being told. He employs visualization skills learned in the program to memorize things. He often wakes up a bit earlier to study his words before school so that he doesn’t have as much to do after school. He seems more focused and motivated—and less fidgety. And most importantly, his self-esteem has improved as well.

Parents of Artur
7 years old

For more information on cognitive testing and training, contact Richmond LearningRX at, (804) 612-9959.

Kate Hall

Kate Hall is the Founder & CEO of and author of Richmond Rocks ,a history book for kids. She has three children and a cup that overfloweth. She is truly appreciative of the 100,000 + visitors who visit the blog every year, and for the amazing team of writers who create unique, valuable content. Kate is thrilled to fulfill her dream of having a cool place for Richmond, VA parents to learn, grow, and share while supporting local charities.

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